Selling Soulfully with Jennifer Allan-Hagedorn

Education & Training - Sell with Soul
My thoughts and ramblings on the real estate industry and how we've gotten into the pickle of being among the nation's most UNtrusted professions!



Last weekend I posted a blog that generated lots of impassioned comments (I love it when that happens). The topic du weekend was the sacred cow of real estate - our compensation structure that pays us based on the price of the product we sell. My firm belief is that there is very little correlati...
If things go as planned, my next book will be released sometime in late April... so this week's show is a sneak preview of what's in that book and, frankly, a little pre-release marketing to boost pre-sales! (How's that for transparent?) As the title implies, we're going to talk about choosing t...
Bear with me this morning as I rant a little bit about one of the Sacred Cows of the real estate industry (specifically, the compensation model that pays us based on the price of the property). I recently read an article written by a real estate agent bemoaning a potential buyer client's request ...
Many years ago, I had a sweeeet little listing in Denver. A 1940's stucco Tudor, with all the fixtures and features Tudor-philes love - glass doorknobs, art-deco light fixtures, oak floors with inlays, decorative tile window sills, vintage fireplace... it was an easy house to fall in love with. ...
In 2005 and 2006 I bought three homes in Alabama. Coming from the Denver Desert, I'd had no experience with termites (or fleas, for that matter, but today we're talking about termites) - so when one of the homes I bought featured a "termite bond" I was unimpressed. The other two homes did not ha...
We're having a different kind of show this week in the SWS Virtual Studio... and I really hope you'll join us and bring all your friends. Even if our topic du-jour doesn't apply specifically to you, I'm absolutely positive it applies to someone you know and love... and could change their (and you...
I'm a big fan of communicating with one's sphere of influence (SOI) via the written word - with the caveat that those written words are YOUR written words, not some words written by someone else who doesn't know you! If your SOI "hears" from you on a reasonably regular basis - and again - that me...
Oops. A few weeks ago I promised to finish up a series I was doing on KLT - The Know, Like and Trust Principle which goes something like: "The more people who know you, like you and trust you, the more real estate you'll sell." In the first two segments of the series I talked about the KNOW and L...

Jennifer Allan-Hagedorn

Author of Sell with Soul
smartphone(850) 356-2647
Contact The Author