Selling Soulfully with Jennifer Allan-Hagedorn

Education & Training - Sell with Soul
My thoughts and ramblings on the real estate industry and how we've gotten into the pickle of being among the nation's most UNtrusted professions!



Before Christmas I posted a blog about a show we did in the SWS Virtual Studio called "Are You the Best Real Estate Agent You Know?" In that blog, I described three reasons you might WANT to BE the best agent you know, and promised to continue the conversation with some concrete attributes or cha...
Not that this blog needs any more exposure (150 comments and counting!), but just in case a few of you missed it, I'm reblogging here. I have so many thoughts of my own to add and I'm sure I'll be doing just that over the next few weeks, but since Danny brought up the Doctor and Lawyer angle, I'l...
On Thursday, December 15th, we convened in the SWS Virtual Studio for the last time of the 2011 season for our final show entitled "Are You the Best Real Estate Agent You Know?" Fun was had by all (well, I had fun anyway), as we discussed the reasons one might WANT to be the best agent they know ...
Every once in awhile I hear or read something along the lines that those of us who worked in the real estate industry during boom years (or even stable ones) were simply "order-takers" who showed up to work most days and cashed juicy commission checks. That all we had to do was put a sign in a y...
Are You The Best Real Estate Agent You Know? Perhaps that's a personal question, but it's one every real estate agent on the planet should ask themselves in the privacy of their own thoughts. ARE YOU an agent you could confidently and wholeheartedly refer to others with the assurance that they co...
I just got off the phone with one of my consulting clients. Poor guy. I nearly took his head off with my impassioned rant about the priorities of the real estate industry. He handled it well, I must say, although I could tell his patience with his trusted mentor (that would be me) was wearing thi...
THANK YOU THANK YOU AR Gods for featuring my little rant last week about whether or not an 80/20% business model (where 80% of one's time is devoted to prospecting and 20% devoted to client care) is a wise course to take in a real estate career. I can't say enough how encouraging it was to hear ...

Jennifer Allan-Hagedorn

Author of Sell with Soul
smartphone(850) 356-2647
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