Selling Soulfully with Jennifer Allan-Hagedorn

Education & Training - Sell with Soul
My thoughts and ramblings on the real estate industry and how we've gotten into the pickle of being among the nation's most UNtrusted professions!



Last week, we did the first 2011 Rookie-to-Rookie show in the SWS Virtual Studio - that is - we brought in a few newly-non-rookies (agents in their 2nd and 3rd years) to share their secrets of success with the audience, which was mostly comprised of first year agents. We talked non-stop for 90 m...
A few times a year, we host what we call the "Rookie-to-Rookie Show" which is a teleseminar panel discussion with three or four newly non-rookies who Tell All about their rookie year - with the goal of helping the newer members of our industry experience all the success and FUN they're hoping fo...
In mid-April, Mr. Bob Burg (coauthor of The Go-Giver and Go-Givers Sell More) joined me in the SWS Virtual Studio for a teleseminar show about using the Go-Giver approach in a real estate career - we talked non-stop for 90 minutes and could have gone another 90 easily, so guess what? We're going...
I'm currently reading a book written by an entreprenurial coach (that is, a coach who helps entrepreneurs) and just read a passage that struck me. He says that he can tell within ten minutes of talking to an entrepreneur-wannabe if they have what it takes to succeed. When he explained what he mea...