Selling Soulfully with Jennifer Allan-Hagedorn

Education & Training - Sell with Soul
My thoughts and ramblings on the real estate industry and how we've gotten into the pickle of being among the nation's most UNtrusted professions!



If you have a mailing list with that handy-dandy UNSUBSCRIBE option, you probably know how painful it is  when someone does... that is ... UNSUBSCRIBE! Of course, I'm mildly devastated (is that an oxymoron? Yes, I believe it is) when I get my little report of unsubscribes after I've sent out a ne...
To continue the fun from Monday's blog where I lectured us on our phone voices, let me offer some more unsolicited feedback... I get emails from agents all around the country (which I love, keep ‘em coming!). Sometimes I'm so impressed with someone that I want to remember where they work in case...