As 2010 draws to an end, it’s time to welcome the New Year with great celebration. It’s an annual ritual that is often accompanied with boisterous revelry enjoyed amid the company of friends and family. But it is also a time of reminiscing and remembrance. I wrote the following post last year an
This is a question that I am often asked. And the answer really depends on a lot of factors, as there are many people involved in the process. For the purpose of this article, let’s talk about a HUD home that has just been listed, and that the purchaser is an owner occupant. No bids are opened f
As we plunge into 2011, it becomes increasingly apparent that “recent” history is now completely relegated to 21st Century events. With a full decade under our belt, (yes, the 21st Century stated January 1, 2001 but that’s another debate) we are now deep enough into the Millennium to look back a
There has been a recent surge of both Internet activity over and phone calls over the last few days. Even though I try not to read too much into these anomalies, I can’t help but wonder why the numbers suddenly surge into record high levels. Instinctively, you want to believe that it is the harb
Just ten short years ago Senoia Georgia was one of those sleepy little hamlets where they rolled up the sidewalks at 6 P.M. But now, nothing could be farther from the truth. A major revitalization effort in the downtown area has brought new nightlife to Coweta County’s southernmost city. There
Suppose you are driving to a distant destination and find yourself right in the middle of a huge Nor’easter. As the blizzard intensifies and the outside world narrows down to two gray strips in an otherwise all white landscape you have only two choices: You can attempt to weather the storm and
The first “White Christmas” in Newnan Georgia history prompted me to leave the comforts of hearth and home and head out into the storm in pursuit of holiday magic! While I was setting up for a shot of a local “light” house, a friend grabbed this shot of me braving the elements as I endeavored to
Now the Christmas has come and gone, it’s time for the next “big” holiday, which is coincidentally the last celebration of 2010 and also the first “red letter day” of 2011. A new year is more than just a number. Every January 1 we have the opportunity for a fresh start. And it’s important to ge
The much anticipated Christmas Day snow that was predicted for Newnan Georgia is here at last! I have lived in the area for nearly forty years and this is the first “White Christmas” we have ever experienced. It’s even stranger because a lot of my friends in the Northeast have told me that ther
The big day is finally here, and it's the time that we shift our emotions from anxious anticipation to the realization that “ready or not, here we are!” Christmas Day always feels a little anticlimactic. The frenzy of preparation that crescendos through Christmas Eve is suddenly squelched as we