The World of Real Estate

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Every time we disparage the state of the economy and talk about the terrible state of real estate, we create a self fulfilling prophesy. It is my view that if we are positive, then positive things will happen. There are great opportunities in the market and it is time to stress the positive, and put a bow on it.



This month I was lucky enough to visit Kenya and go on safari numerous times. Animals in their natural habitat don't look to pose for pictures and can not be enticed into doing so. The best way to get a good picture is to take as many as possible and hope you get lucky. Here are are few of my luc...
I was in Kenya for just under two weeks. I loved my trip and saw and learned much, but I am glad to be home. Travel is very special and promotes understanding and growth. The more I see the world, the more I want to see and yet coming home is always joyful. Home is more than just a structure, it ...
It is 10:50 PM in my body and my head but only 2:50 in my real time home. The time difference in Kenya (8 hours) is hard to adjust to on both ends but I am really exhausted now. My wash is in process, my dogs are being groomed and my life will soon be back to normal: whatever that is. Night now.
By the time you read this, I will be in the air somewhere. My trip to Kenya has been incredible. I have seen and learned so very much. My conversations with those with whom I traveled were nice, but the discussions with those who call Kenya home were absolutely eye opening. While it is true that ...
I love to travel but the journey there and back is never easy. I depart from Nairobi tonight for Qatar, and then a connecting flight to JFK and finally a 3-4 hour car ride back to Massachusetts. I have seen and learned a lot. I have been on ugly roads and experienced magical animals with people I...
What a ride I have been on for close to two weeks. I am still in Kenya. I have seen much and learned more. Along with experiencing the wild, I have been to a Masai Village. It is hard to describe what it was like. I was uncomfortable. The people live hard lives and very basic ones. The homes are ...
I am back in Nairobi tonight. I have been on safari all week and it has been magical. I have seen and learned so very much. Being in another world some 10,000 miles away is always eye opening. Kenya is beautiful and yet broken. There is so much poverty and so much beauty. There is trash everywher...
I am changing direction just a bit today. I am still in Kenya and enjoying myself but Thanksgiving is tough for me. I lost my Mom on Thanksgiving and even though it has been years It is difficult. My way of coping is reaching out and being away. Since my family of humans is essentially gone I mad...
I am still in Kenya. Life is tough for the Kenyan people and a day doesn't pass where I am not really grateful for being born in the United States and to my parents of Blessed Memory. Yesterday we traveled to a place for lunch that was on a road like none I have ever seen in my life. We all marve...
It is impossible to explain just how different today has been. I am in a place called The Ark, in northwest Kenya. It is a place shaped like The Ark where animals of every variety come to water, and we are right there. I'm including a lioness from earlier and a few Buffalo from a few minutes ago.

Sheila Anderson

The Real Estate Whisperer Who Listens 732-715-1133
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