The World of Real Estate

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Every time we disparage the state of the economy and talk about the terrible state of real estate, we create a self fulfilling prophesy. It is my view that if we are positive, then positive things will happen. There are great opportunities in the market and it is time to stress the positive, and put a bow on it.



It's that time of year again when decks and patios become important as extensions of our homes. There are many different types of outdoor spaces but they all enlarge our space and make outside living joyful. I have a deck because it works with my home. My space features a new large indoor-outdoor...
So the training is done and Naumkeag opens on Saturday. Everything came from the top and the things that made no sense, still don't. Like most work, it isn't easy and it doesn't always make sense. Often the folks who make the decisions are so far removed from them, they don't even understand the ...
Every day there are challenges for all of us. When I first got into real estate, we were required to have "desk duty" which was sometimes called opportunity time. I remember thinking then, that no matter how much lipstick you put on that pig, it was still essentially free secretarial help for the...
Tomorrow is another training day for me at Naumkeag. The systems have changed and the process and fees are new. I'm not in agreement with the changes but I am an employee so I am going with it. Being an independent contractor has its benefots for sure: you get to make the decisions.
Every time you are seen or heard you make a statement. When you think no one is paying attention you have made a mistake. Each of us is aware and notices things both consciously and otherwise. Remember this always and be sure the statement you want to make is the one you are conveying.Several yea...
Yes, it is spring and with it comes renewal and new beginnings. That is why most buyers and sellers think this is the season to get going. In matter of fact, buyers and sellers do business all year long. Spring time is just one of those things that people have been co-opted into believing is "the...
Every day there is opportunity. Every day there there is a chance to do better or to withdraw and be on another plain alone and depressed. If you are forward looking you are allowed to remember that life has challenges. If you are down you can decide that there is always a way forward through adv...
I have so much stuff. The more I travel the more I realize the differences in how most of the world lives and how I do. I have scaled down. I have a smaller house than I once did and probably still really need only half the space I have. I have a basement with things I seldom, if ever use, and a ...
In my latest working experience I have come across too many people whose answer to everything they have no interest in is"whatever." I suspect you know some of these folks too. They are generally un-motivated, oblivious to the world around them, and don't want to make a difference. I have a real ...
A couple of days ago I got a message through Active Rain asking if I had ever lived in England. It was fairly straight forward so I thought about responding but did not. The next day I received an invitation on Facebook from the same person which I ignored. It is a dangerous world and my thinking...

Sheila Anderson

The Real Estate Whisperer Who Listens 732-715-1133
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