The World of Real Estate

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Every time we disparage the state of the economy and talk about the terrible state of real estate, we create a self fulfilling prophesy. It is my view that if we are positive, then positive things will happen. There are great opportunities in the market and it is time to stress the positive, and put a bow on it.



Ever since I have owned a home I have flown a flag. After September 11th, I have flown a flag non stop. Because flags don't last forever  I have changed mine every couple of years. This morning I bought a new one and now it flying in front of my home. The colors are bright and my pride is palpable.
Sunday in Stockbridge was like a screen from a scary movie. Within a period of an hour and a half, there was a serious storm like none I have ever seen. First came the rains, then the lightening and thunder, and finally the wind and hail. I was at Naumkeag, a mansion museum with gardens, where I ...
Today was a satisfying day. I work a few days a week now for the Trustees of Reservations, a non profit, that owns 116 properties around Massachusetts where I now live. The property where I work is about 1/4 of a mile from my home and is an old cottage (as in mansion) and gardens. I worked in the...
Memorial day is not a happy day but a memorable one. We acknowledge those who lost their lives to protect the rest of us. We can certainly barbecue and go to sales but the reason we enjoy a day off is more serious, profound and important. Visit a cemetery and place a flag or a flower on a veteran...
I live in a place I love and work in a place that is filled with serenity and excitement. I multi task at work (Naumkeag is a beautiful old mansion museum with gardens) and enjoy the fruits of my labor which bring me extraordinary satisfaction. I don't make much money but I feel great because I m...
Most folks look forward to holiday weekends: me, not so much. Actually I am grateful for the opportunity to work in such a lovely setting ( I work a few days a week at Naumkeag), a lovely old mansion, museum and gardens owned and managed by the Trustees of Reservations, a non profit organization ...
I moved to western Massachusetts because it is special, unique and does not have heavy heat. Well the first two remain true, but whether you acknowledge global warming or not, it is real and it is here. Before moving here I had come for 35 years and it was always pleasant during the summer days a...
I am off to drop my little Margie (yes I remember that old TV show too) at the Veterinarians for her dental surgery. The period between the drop and the pick up is very difficult. I have gone through this with Billy and Finn but it doesn't get any easier. My Margie is special to and for me on so ...
The newest critter in my neighborhood is here. Charlie was running around this morning and stopped momentarily on an outside light to rest. He is a quick fellow and as long as he stays outside, we can be friends. There are many critters on my property and this one is new. Be good Charlie, but sta...
This was just outside Havana when I was there in February. I really liked it because it looked so natural and provided a little cover from the sun. It was on a property that grew fruits, vegetables and exotic flowers. There were a couple of restaurants, one for the locals who need help and are fe...

Sheila Anderson

The Real Estate Whisperer Who Listens 732-715-1133
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