I have just completed my Probate Short Sale Webinar which was recorded and is now available on my website. This is a great tool for extra deals when you find a probate home which is underwater. Most estate attorneys do not know they can still complete the probate and both the executor and attor
I have been speaking on how Probate Real Estate has enhanced my real estate production for over the last 20+ years. More and More agents are starting to take notice FINALLY of the goldmine probate homes can be if you just take the time to learn something new. Yes, you have to spend a little mon
REAL ESTATE RUMBLE" RADIO KDOW 1220 AM TALK SHOW ABOUT PROBATE REALESTATE. http://www.mediafire.com/?gmd10tz4mml *GaryD's Probate Real Estate Radio Interview. Check it out. *GaryD now provides weekly Probate Real Estate Leads (Fresh, not listed) *GaryD now has Probate Short Sale Webinar recorded
We just concluded our SOLD OUT Probate Real Estate Short Sale Webinar this afternoon which was a great success. We recorded it and will be available to all those who would like a copy to view at your own convenience plus refresh when desired. Just go to www.probate-realestate .com and order yo
There was $91 Million in Closed Probates through my MLS in 1 Year How Many Probates Did You Do? WHAT IS PROBATE AND HOW TO FIND PROBATE FILES The majority of real estate agents are under the impression probate real estate