We are completing our first month (4 sessions) of my new Probate Real Estate Training for Agents and Investors and it has been a wonderful experience for my students and myself. We have taken 12 hours of personal mentor-ship, dialed in for the students game plan and market with probate homes al
Happy New Year! This is my first blog for 2016 as I have been very busy the last month closing out 2015 with $12 Million in closed home only production and carrying over $3M to 2016 business. My real estate business produced $15M in production in 2015 and why I'm telling you this is because LE
If you follow this blog on the INs & OUTs of the Probate Real Estate world, you probably already know that the Diamond Farming Probate System is rolling out it's One-on-One Coaching intensive.This program has been designed to not only give you a complete understanding and know how of the probate