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Real Estate Agent - ERNAL REAL ESTATE GROUP with Samson Properties - 626524
Whether you are in the market to buy a home in Washington DC,Virginia or Maryland,Want to know How much is my Washington DC,VA and/or MD House worth? Or you just want to schedule a home buyer consultation or listing appointment with me to sell your house quickly,for top dollars with less hassle possible,



Door knocking is part of my Business Plan this year. This week while doing some door knocking,I can't say where. Anywhere many of the houses that I am doing door knocking at,I keep seeing a lot of Christmas Decorations... Is it me or Christmas was over a month ago? It is January 29th not December...
Craigslist Marketing Matrix Josh Schoenly will be in town Tuesday February 1,2011. Many of you commented on my blog Craigslist. What time and days of the week are you having success posting your Real Estate Ads on Craigslist?. First I want to say thank you all again for all the great comments you...
How do you engage a buyer,start working with them and yet no show them everything in the world? In this clip by CRS Certified Instructor James Nellis describes a script to use with buyers to avoid showing every home on the market. Watch this video to find out what it is. Enjoy.
February 10,2011-Google Maps will no longer feature your listings. While I was on Twiter today,I stumbled upon a link on TechSavvyAgent. It lead me to a story that I thought I will never happen. Google is Eliminating Real Estate. Yes! Ladies and Gentlemen this is no typo. Google is Eliminating Re...
Rain! Rain! Of all days why did you choose today to rain on my parade? Why did you have to do it today? I had big plans in store. But once it started pouring,my plans went straight out of door. I wanted to pass out flyers and my business cards today at a subdivision. But when the rain started,I k...
Very well written blog by Connie Harvey explaining the term "Home Sale Contingency". Hope home buyers in Prince George's County Maryland and DC find this blog helpful.What is a Home Sale contingency? Can I still See the House?   When there is a contingency on any property,  it means that there is...
James just got an job offer to work at Pitney Bowes in Lanham MD. He is thinking about relocating to Bowie MD along with his family in about maybe six months. They are thinking about buying a house for sale in Woodmore Estates Bowie MD. James have been doing his research online. He wants to get a...
    Craigslist. What days of the week and what time should I post an ad? Ever wonder why some people are success and some are not. Whether you believe it or not,there is something to be said about being at the right place at the right time. The same thing can also apply to Real Estate Online Mark...
Washington DC Winter Restaurant Week. Starting today over 200 of Metropolitan Washington DC's finest restaurants will be offering multi-course meals prepared especially for this gourmet event. Destination DC and the Restaurant Association Metropolitian Washington are proud to present the 17th ann...
Foreign Real Estate Investors love Washington DC-Number Two on their list. If you are a Foreign Real Estate Investor who is looking to maximize your Real Estate Investment Portfolio,then you definitely want to invest in Washington DC homes. Washington DC is the Number Two city among Real Estate I...


I don't make promises.I deliver results.SOLD HOMES
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Washington DC Real Estate