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Real Estate Agent - ERNAL REAL ESTATE GROUP with Samson Properties - 626524
Whether you are in the market to buy a home in Washington DC,Virginia or Maryland,Want to know How much is my Washington DC,VA and/or MD House worth? Or you just want to schedule a home buyer consultation or listing appointment with me to sell your house quickly,for top dollars with less hassle possible,



Real Estate Workshop! Holiday Inn Conference Room 45 Patricks Drive Waldorf,Maryland 20603 301-645-8200     Here's a Sample of What you will Learn! Coaching Institute's Real Estate Investment Workshop is one of the most popular real estate seminars in the country. Our entertaining and profession...
As of November 9, 2008  30 Year Interest Rate: 6.00% 15 Year Interest Rate: 5.73%  The average homeowner today has 36 times the wealth of the average renter. Sixty percent of the average homeowner's wealth is their home equity. So why are you still throwing away your hard earned money by making ...
I know a lot of us real estate professionals who don't have a team work at least 40 hours or week. But we know that you need your rest. One thing I have learned in life is that you are your best investment. Without your good  heatlth,you can't do such things as work and provide for your loved one...
Can anyone please tell me when did free cost you something? Can someone please tell me when did paying for something become free? I am sick and tired of people always saying that they are offering free services or products only to request money later on. I think it sucks and very misleading. I"ll...
     Call me crazy - Okay! Maybe I am crazy. But does anybody out there think that the New England Patriots are going to lose today? I mean,I know New England Patriots destroyed San Diego Chargers in Week 2. But this team is a very different team now then before. Plus,they have been a very good I...
I was just blogging on here when I saw one of the Active Rain Sponsors ads on this site. It says "Be More Productive". Bring the blog. You're paid to sell,not to blog. We blog for you $399/yr. Of course,we all blog on here to share information/knowledge,gain knowledge from the brilliant real esta...
Here are ten things you can do to improve your financial situation. Each one can easily be done in fifteen minutes and then forgotten about, but over time, these moves will slowly put significant money in your pocket. Think of it as an investment of time that continually pays dividends to your wa...


I don't make promises.I deliver results.SOLD HOMES
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