2009 It is always nice to know that there are situations that arise where you can get cooperation from a giant like Google. I enjoyed the article I've linked to and believe you will find the content in...
I have to say the the Active Rain re-blog is a beautiful thing. It gives me the opportunity to have my Outside Blog readers get introduced to Kim Daugherty, a McKinney TX REALTOR, Broker and wonderful writer. Kim's post put a cool aid grin on my face. Sometimes people need a gentle reminder tha...
My e-mail is out of control and I had to turn my cell phone off today. Seems when you write an open letter to the President people think you are a repository for their complaints, suggestions and inquiries. Since some of my readers were kind enough to take the time to write their questions down a...
Does this money really exist to spend or are we printing it as we go along? Are we going to bail-out everything and everyone? Why would the next generation of children grow into workers when there is this expectation that everyone else will pay for it if I sit on my a$$ and wait long enough for i...
I love when my kid gets that look of Eureka and the light-bulb goes off and you can just feel the excitement bubbling forth regarding a good idea. I've had some interesting e-mail and decided to answer it in public rather than write people individually. For the record, I think that AmeriDream, ot...
ActiveBrad was kind enough to make this available for a re-blog. Considering the fact that I "broke" the team blog for a couple of days I thought it would be useful to point out the fact that you can not use special characters like "@" when you are sending out your team blog...
My kids are a trip. Noah is turning seven in a few days. The older he gets the more he regresses. Stephen's a bad influence on him. It appears that Applied Behavior Analysis works both ways... Who knew a precocious two tear old could cause so much havoc? Step is going to be three in a few mon...
My friend Jeff Belonger was kind enough to make this available for a re-blog. This is a very important issue affecting our industry and I am rooting for the return of the seller funded down payment assistance programs. Nehemiah worked wonders in New York City and I definitely want these programs ...
I need an appraiser for two of my buyers, so I started poking around looking for a few candidates. While doing a bit of recreational reading I stumbled across this quote: "No later than October 1, 2009, all FHA appraiser roster appraisers in all states and territories must be state certified in o...
I have to say I am very happy to be so exhausted (LOL). Who knew my new clients would keep me up well past minion bedtime time? :-) First time buyers can be very interesting. This young couple was so gung ho to find a house they went out in 20 degree weather during a snow storm to attend three op...