Life With Wee People: Put your building samples to the test...Fun is letting your kids abuse your building supplies (LOL). If you are going to install flooring you should buy a sample and put that puppy to the test. If you read my blog you know that my kids are not shy and every so often somethin...
Question: When Do I Need A Permit?Answer: Per the Florida Building Code - Building 2001, Section 104.1.1 When required:"Any owner, authorized agent, or contractor who desires to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occupancy or occupant content of a building or structu...
Life With Wee People: The Planter Expedition...Noah the Net Geek is on-line playing World of Warcraft while Stephen the Minion Blur is lining up the gardening tools for some fun. We asked Mike to stop by Wal-Mart for some potting soil and a planter. We have most of what we need and figure by the ...
DraftsFinally got around to reading some e-mails and turns out I left my last post in draft mode but gave peeps the link. They couldn't read it all day. My apologies. I'm obessing over the writing projects and forgot to switch modes. Yeah, I know... bad mommy blogger (LOL).We're dirt digging toda...
Writing, writing, writing...I'm in One-Track-Mind mode and have been typing like a lunatic on my laptop for hours. Banging out chapters and scripting is time consuming and I periodically find myself gravitating towards working during the wee hours of the morning. I usually have to do it between w...
Life With Wee People: The Autism/PDD-NOS Yard SurveySo I'm in The Man Cave hanging with Mr PDD-NOS chatting about the fact that Mr Autism is turning 10 in a couple of weeks. We want to throw him a small party. Ever try having a conversation with a 5 year old riding circles around you? It's a fasc...
Life With Wee People: Stalking the moon...We just got back from exploring Indialantic and Melbourne. Hubby was a sweetheart and let me be a pain in the a$$ back-seat-driver chasing sunsets, stars and generally running amok with the shorties in tow. Our late night objective? Stalking the moon...Th...
Sponjetta Parrish Ten Dollar Pizza Hut Song on Facebook...I have waaaaaay too much fun in social media. Seriously... (LOL)I am supposed to be in Facebook leaving a message for my borther Cedric but instead I'm instant chatting with Sponjetta Parrish and watching a cool contest with Pizza Hut on F...
Dear Laura C...Okay. You win. I'm blogging (LOL) ;-)Went to DMV and had a silent cow because unlike NY (a) FL does not have Enhanced Driver's Licenses (that let you drive into Mexico and Canada without a passport) and (b) they don't have Commercial Chauffeur licenses either. I had to give up a pe...
Life With Wee People: The 7 Olives RuleThe kids have been fascinated with our popping in and out of the gym. Sometimes they'll try and get rid of us by telling us we need to go exercise then shove our butts towards the front door as if it's chubby people steering (silly grin).I've been trying to ...