Murphy's Law Can Be A Real B Sometimes... Got pets? Put the pets in the remarks section. Seriously... Stephen, the Minion Blur will walk up to a 200 pound dog and get nose to nose to smile in its face. Noah, the Net Geek is the exact opposite and runs from barking puppies (LOL). Took my boys to ...
Foreclosure Avoidance Counseling Is Free From HUD So Why Are You Paying Fees For This? So, I'm chilling in Home Depot the other day buying paint for my apartment when this woman who reads my blog walks up to me and starts asking about a referral to a company to counsel her on how to avoid forecl...
Life With Wee People: To Paint Or Not To Paint Ever try painting your apartment with curious kids around? Can't get much done with Stephen the Blur Minion sticking his hands where they don't belong. His fave thing to do? Touch the wet wall and wipe my clothes (LOL). Noah is really cool because h...
Life With Wee People: Tickled Pink Today is the day I pass down the silver Nikon to Noah. My budding photographer is eight years old and we're perched on the futon making birthday plans. He is insisting on cheesey bread for lunch. I guess I shall have to ask permission to bring in pizza for his ...
I am locked out of my Cisco system so you guys have to e-mail me if you want me because my voice mail is full. Seriously. If you call my office I will not be there (e.g. I run the streets with buyers and wee people, remember?). If you left a message I can not call you back because I can not acces...
Bagels With Jesse A couple of days ago I had the pleasure of being treated to breakfast by Jesse Skolkin He is an Independent New York State Certified Real Estate Appraiser with a thriving business and great blog. He produces a lot of exclusive content for the members at ActiveRain so if you wan...
Brooklyn Navy Yard... Sometimes when I want to have a quiet moment I go off the beaten path to chill. The Brooklyn Navy Yard is a fave spot to sit back and enjoy views of Manhattan. I also like to watch the movie makers come and go. There are a bunch of production studios hidden in here and I h...
Dear Valued "Custermerd..." I have been called many things, but never a valued "custermerd" (ROTFLMAO) I swear my spam is starting to get really funny. It's inspiring me to visualize the people behind it. According to my imagination, this is beyond being a typo (LMAO). It reminds me that there ar...
Cunningham Park Through The Eyes Of A Seven Year Old (Noah E Starr) It's the grin and the body motion that makes watching him take pictures so interesting for me as a parent with an Autistic son. He doesn't say much, but he starts moving with this happy, half dance step, using his body to zoom i...
Letters In Nature (Autistic Photographs by Noah E Starr) My kid is a better photographer than I am. I've been jogging in this park for years and never once noticed a letter in nature. We weren't through the fence two minutes when he demanded the camera and wandered off to do his thing. I remembe...