
Lancaster County, PA Real Estate News

By Michael J. Perry, Lancaster, PA Relo Specialist
(Fathom Realty)
     You need to add Sight and Sound to your trip . It is a very unique experience that you will never forget. You will feel what it was like in Biblical Times. The Theater was designed to have activity to not only what’s going on the Stage , but all around you things are going on .Based on the actual play , Animals will venture down the isles . Noah’s Ark had an amazing amount of them.Jonah and the whale was very memorable ! The plays Daniel and Esther were released to several TV outlets.Their Christmas shows will change your Holiday perspectives .       There are several Restaurants within 1 mile .Hershey Farms Restaurant & Motel offers a full Smorgasbord of PA Dutch Food . Agape is anotherexample of local foods. Katie’s Amish Restaurant , Fireside Tavern and finally Bespoke Round out...
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By Michael J. Perry, Lancaster, PA Relo Specialist
(Fathom Realty)
 Later this year , Green Hill Estates will be placing 15-20  1+ acre lots for sale starting at a Base Price of $129,900 . However , we are not just selling lots,but instead we are selling complete Buildjob Packages.Here are several things you’ll need to know:The LOTS - Do you want a “ Table Top” lot that wouldallow a pool to be added ? Or is a lot that would allowa “Walkout Basement “  be your choice ? Would you like a Wooded Lot ? Initial PLAN Development- what are your must havesin your new home . Do you want One floor livingor do you want your Primary to be on the 2nd Floor ?Do you want both a Formal LR and a Family Room ?Or would a First Floor Office and a Great Room be your choice ? Do you want a Custom Kitchen ? Do you want a 2 Car or 3 Car Garage ? Where do you want your Laundry...
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By Michael J. Perry, Lancaster, PA Relo Specialist
(Fathom Realty)
   On Tuesday May 7th , 8:30am til Noon , Mike Perry will be teaching the Foundation’s of Investment RE. We will cover the Two Primary Reasons that people    Invest inReal Estate . We will study that there are 5   factors that determine whether people will invest .             We will examine Rental Income , Operating Expenses,      and Cash Flow ( using an APOD Form) . We will be         taught how to “Ballpark” Rental Property values . We.      Will examine how tax Benefits can reduce taxation via.       a Schedule E . You will learn Rates of Return to show        your Client how much they’re making on their money.       Finally we will study the “ HOLD Strategy “ to accumulate  Wealth . There are still seats so register online or call        717-569-4625 . See you there !       
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By Michael J. Perry, Lancaster, PA Relo Specialist
(Fathom Realty)
 . We were all starving after looking at our New Kitchen plans for a house we are renovating. We realized we werejust around the corner from the Fireside Tavern . We knew it was going to be very busy , but it was only 5:15and we got a seated right away . It turned out to be Prime Rib Night and it did not disappoint. My Daughter ordered two 4.5 oz Crab Cakes ( all meat - no filler). My wife had Pino Grigio and I had an ice cold Draft . The Dessert menu was excellent. Needless to say , we will be going back soon . The Tavern is a 1/2 mile from the Strasburg Railroad and PA Train Museum. 
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By Michael J. Perry, Lancaster, PA Relo Specialist
(Fathom Realty)
.    The Lampeter Cafe reopened recently with New Restauranteurs called a Taste of Philly . The Historic Cafe was renovated to era , a dozen years ago. I started off with a bowl of Kennett (Sq) Mushrooms Soup. It is one of the best I’ve ever had . The soup was full of several types of Mushrooms ( including my favorite Shitake ) . I also had Chicken Quesadillas that were made of non processed chicken ! My Daughter had Chicken Tacos, again shredded Chicken- huge and a cup of Homemade Mac & Cheese . Finally she sawtheir Dessert Display when we came in . One of her favorite was there , Italian Lemon Cream Cake and from the photo above , took some home . They have a unique Menu that you will like . 
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By Michael J. Perry, Lancaster, PA Relo Specialist
(Fathom Realty)
         About 12 years ago , my Daughter turned me ontosushi. And about 10 years ago Ginza Sushi opened inGreenfield . I like their Miso Soup and Vegetable Tempura and their Lunch Bento Boxes.        Pictured above is one of my favorite Takeout Rolls.2 Spicy Tuna , a Cali Roll, Philly Roll, a Spicy Salmon andof course 1-2 Spicy Mayo .  Ginza also does “All you can eat sushi “ when dining in . So if you are craving some really good Sushi, I’m recommending GINZA, 565 Greenfield Rd., Lancaster, PA ..  Arigatou  
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By Michael J. Perry, Lancaster, PA Relo Specialist
(Fathom Realty)
    We couldn’t wait to visit Bespoke Brewery’s new location in Strasburg , PA.  It is in walking distance to the Strasburg Railroad & Train Museum. The Menuhad a number of items that I liked . And of course how could I go to a Brewery and not get a Flight .I had at least 8 beers brewed by Bespoke to choosefrom . They were all excellent ! And I still have 4 more to try ! Next time you are in Lancaster Co. , you need to stop in ! 
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By Michael J. Perry, Lancaster, PA Relo Specialist
(Fathom Realty)
.    A new Sandwich Shop opened around the corner.They specialize in High -quality, chef-driven salads &Sandwiches . Their Sandwiches are packed with premium ingredients and creative flavor exploration.In addition they have Loaded Fries and 2 interesting Cheesesteaks . All of their Sandwiches are specialties and have a name . They have 3 Full Meal Salads .      Pictured above is “the Brooklyn “ . It’s loaded with Pastrami,Gruyère ,coleslaw B&B pickles, topped with Russian Dressing . It was fantastic ! There are so many specialty Sandwiches I can’t wait to try. Will you join in this creative flavor exploration ?
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By Michael J. Perry, Lancaster, PA Relo Specialist
(Fathom Realty)
.    According to 23 & Me , I’m about 18% Irish . Well Isure proved it tonight with my Annual Cornbeef & Cabbage St Paddy’s Dinner . A huge plate of Cornbeef& Cabbage, cooked carrots & celery and red skinned potatoes quickly disappeared. Our waitress was stunned that I finished it all (lol) .Many thanks toKnight & Day Diner in Lititz, PA for the great meal .Now I need to find some Green Beer . 
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By Michael J. Perry, Lancaster, PA Relo Specialist
(Fathom Realty)
     Fastnachts are German/ PA Dutch tradition on Fat Tuesday. In German their name means “fast nite”or the night before Ash Wednesday when Lenten fast begins . Fastnachts are eaten before and during the Lenten season. They come plain , powder sugaredor glazed .  I eat about 3 donuts per year , but always celebrate Fastnacht Day with a 2fer  !   Thank you to Weis Markets Bakery for great Fastnachts ! 
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By Michael J. Perry, Lancaster, PA Relo Specialist
(Fathom Realty)
        In 1981 , one of these appeared on the scene . Prior to this , Real Estate Agents had to carry pocket sized Mortgage Payment Books . By 1995 , real estate trainers had taught more than 50% of all licensees how to use a Financial Calculator. In a matter of seconds you could show a consumer what the monthly mortgage payment would be for the mortgage amount they were requesting.          Today many Realtors have visited the App Store and acquired ( for their cell phone) the abovecalculator for a mere $5.99 . Talk about bargains !I can’t tell you how many times I have used this function at Open Houses ! Also it’s a show stopper in Buyer Consultation Sessions.  But it’s much morethan just Real Estate . It can be for Any InstallmentLoan you are considering. Buying a new car , furnitur...
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By Michael J. Perry, Lancaster, PA Relo Specialist
(Fathom Realty)
.          As the Real Estate continues to Shift , we are experiencing a return to a Normal Real Estate Market.Both 2021 & most of 2022 were Record Setting years .Days on Market has increased to 25 Days , which is still a very good indicator. Sales activity is down , but not far from a typical January. Finally more Sellers are entering the Market as prices/ values continue to rise . Text me to update your Home’s Value 717-951-9933  ! 
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By Michael J. Perry, Lancaster, PA Relo Specialist
(Fathom Realty)
      Several times a year I am hired by 4 different Realtor Associations to teach a full day on Business Planning . I have each participant introduce them-selves to the class and tell us what either their niche is or Primarily Market is . Through the yearsI’ve been shocked by how many answer by saying -“Wherever My Car Takes Me .”         On Page One of our Seminar I warm up the class with several quotes. Those that fail to plan ,have planned to Fail !  Also , you can not hit a Target that you do not have . Before we get to ourLunch Break, I introduce the concept of being Purpose Driven . I then quote Zig Ziglar from his Timeless Classic -See You at the Top. “ You will never get anywhere as a Wandering Generality, you Must Become a Meaningful Specific !”         To compete with 1,500 A...
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By Michael J. Perry, Lancaster, PA Relo Specialist
(Fathom Realty)
Most tenants are required to provide a Security Deposit.The Security Deposit (SD) is used to protect the Landlord’s interest if the tenants damage the unit or defaults on rental payments.  In PA , the “Landlord Tenant Act” governs all residential SD’s.Here are a few of its provisions: 1. Maximum Amount of SD allowed - 2 Months 2.At the beginning of second year 1 month must be returned 3. From years 2-5   the SD can be increased to match the moly. Rent4. The SD is not to be used as the last month’s rent 5.After tenants vacate and have left a forwarding address the Property        Manager must do one of the following three :     1. Refund the entire SD      2. Partial Refund and send itemized list showing subtractions      3. No Refund , itemized list as why , and submit bill for add’l da...
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By Michael J. Perry, Lancaster, PA Relo Specialist
(Fathom Realty)
     More than a decade ago we moved to a development called Mill Creek in West Lampeter Twp. , Lancaster Co.PA 17602 . One of the deciding factors for me was a walking trail that was 2+ miles of mulched walking path along a tributary of the  Conestoga River . Two of our dogs love this walk and have swam in the River on hot sunny days .      Along our walks we see all kinds of wild life andnative plant species. Some of these are Geese and Ducks in the water and Egrets on the River Bank .Squirrels , rabbits are abundant and often we bumpinto a deer or two . Numerous Bird species are chirping from the trees . Sometimes it’s near impossible to get my Black Lab out of the Woods.       Thanks to West Lampeter Twp. for maintaining this Wood land paradise.
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By Michael J. Perry, Lancaster, PA Relo Specialist
(Fathom Realty)
.    Retirement seems to sneak up on most people. They believe they will live forever . Tragically many Realtors reach the Vocational Finish Line with nothing to sell ! How does this continue to happen to people who have labored 40+ years in their trade ?      There are several Primary Reasons for this failure : 1. They have nothing to sell because they have never harnessed ( organize)their business.  Since 2000 a real estate practice begins with a database.A newbie is taught that a database of 2,000 people will yield 40 closings per year . Most never accomplish this . A major reason for this failure islack of supervision by management, constantly drilling into them the daily practice of Lead Gen and building up this database. This same database is where all of their Settled clients wil...
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By Michael J. Perry, Lancaster, PA Relo Specialist
(Fathom Realty)
        We live along several miles of Woods and a Tributary ( that as wide as a River) . My Black Lab ,Tucker is always ready to navigate his walks into the Woods. We have a well maintained & mulched pathway along the Conestoga River. We see all types of birds, squirrels, deer and egrets . But there’s one character that always lets us know he is there .         You guessed it the Woodpeckers, busy peckingon trees along our trail . The other creatures attempt to stay out of our way , but not Woody . He is determined to make sure we know these are his trees ! Well in late December we had a Cold Wave for 7+ days and stayed out of the Woods . Woody seemed to miss us because I was awakened by himknocking on our Sunroom’s exterior wall ! He continued this for a second day until I got his mes...
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By Michael J. Perry, Lancaster, PA Relo Specialist
(Fathom Realty)
      The Equal Credit Opportunity Act prohibits discrimination in the lending process and applies for all lease applications. Property Managers need to know and implement the Act into all of their tenant selection activities. Property Managers need to conductthemselves in a consistent and systematic manner . The Property Manager should usethe same Lease Application for every applicant. Additionally if the Property Manager requires a Credit Report from one applicant, they must require them for all applicants .The same can be said about Criminal Background Checks . A Property Manager will use the following when evaluating potential tenants :1. Credit References & Credit Report 2. Criminal Backround Check 3. A Search of the Public Record 4. Information on previous Landlords 5. Employment ...
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By Michael J. Perry, Lancaster, PA Relo Specialist
(Fathom Realty)
.     Tenants occasionally find themselves in a rental where the Landlord is slow to fix things . Many times that Landlord is actually “milking the property”. They are pocketing the CashFlow the Property is generating , but not investing it back intothe property . Many are renting properties that may not be legally habitable.        So what exactly is the Implied Warranty of Habitability,that is offered to tenants? It’s a warranty contained in every Residential lease promising that the landlord will provide a rental unit that is safe, sanitary , and environmentally healthy.The Landlord must make necessary repair through out the lease period to maintain the unit as “fit to live in” . The right to livable housing can not be waived by the tenant . Some examples of violations:1. Unit is ins...
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By Michael J. Perry, Lancaster, PA Relo Specialist
(Fathom Realty)
    Many Propery Managers are confronted with one more challenge when inspecting a now vacant rental unit . The exiting tenants have left behind Personal Property . What should they do with all of this stuff ?     The “PA Landlord Tenant Act” requires tenants to remove their personal propery from the rental unit when they have relinquished possession. Regardless of why they leave , tenants have 10 days to communicate their intentions ( to the Property Manager) that they want to retrieve their property. The LT Actrequires Landlords To give the tenants notice that all personal property needs to be removed within 10 days of abandoning the property.     If the tenants communicate their intention to collect their abandoned personal property , then the Landlord must safe guard the tenant’s pr...
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