Equity First Realty - Virginia Real Estate Blog

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - Equity First Realty - VA BKR# 0225058489
Equity First Realty, Richmond, Virginia Real Estate Blog. Virginia Homes, Sales. Real Estate Services Virginia



Top 5 Health Food Stores in Richmond Virginia Its hard to find a variety of health food stores in Richmond Virginia. This is a eating town, the number of high caloric restaurants out weigh health food stores 100 to 1. We are bombarded with fast food restaurants, greasy diners, processed foods and...
Need cash to move? Need to short sale? Cant make your mortgage payments?  We Help Homeowner's Avoid Foreclosure Most Homeowner's are deeply below the surface with their home mortgage. In the Richmond Virginia area, there are over 9,000 currently facing foreclosure, so please believe me when I tel...
Real Estate Takes Big Brass Balls I have been selling real estate for over 15 years. I have seen the good times in real estate and the best of times in real estate, but I have seen so many real estate agents over the last 3 years just give up all together. I think they gave up because they saw an...
Handling the Stress of an Unaffordable Mortgage Payment Whenever I research the latest foreclosure and distressed property statistics, the sheer number of Americans facing the stress of losing their homes amazes me.  It is my goal to help as many homeowners I can either stay in their homes or re...
Missing Mortgage Payments?  Missing Mortgage Payments? It’s Not Too Late Wondering what a homeowner should expect when payments are missed? The most important thing to know is that no matter what stage of default a homeowner is in, there is almost always a way to avoid foreclosure. That being sa...
Avoiding Mortgage Modification Scams If you or someone you know is struggling to make mortgage: payments, understand that you are not alone. At the end of 2012, nearly one in six homeowners had defaulted on their mortgage. This means millions of Americans need help in stabilizing their financial ...
Options and Solutions for Avoiding Foreclosure It may seem that your options are becoming more difficult and less encouraging,. Regrettably, more "can 70% of homeowners in foreclosure proceeded without visible assistance. If you're unsure about how to come up with this month's mortgage, what opti...
Top 10 Reasons to Short Sale Your Home in Richmond Virginia Top Ten Reasons to Short Sale 1. You pay no out of pocket expenses. All short sales are sold as-is, meaning you won't have to bother spending time and money on tedious home repairs. Your lender also pays for all commissions and services ...
The Importance of Understanding the Short Sale Approval Letter - Virginia Short Sale Specialist / Realtor - Certified Distrssed Property Expert (CDPE) After all yours and your short sale Realtor's hard work, receiving the short sale approval letter is like being handed the winning ticket to the l...
Richmond Virginia Short Sale Experts - Virginia Short Sale Specialist- Realtor/Principal Broker - Certified Distrssed Property Expert - CDPE Are you or someone you know having trouble making mortgage payments? Is Your Home Worth Less Than You Owe On It? Have you tried to refinance and can't? Is Y...

Marcus Rice

Richmond, NOVA, Virginia Beach Area Realtor/Broker
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Equity First Realty, Richmond, Virginia Real Estate Blog. Virginia Homes, Sales. Real Estate Services Virginia