Relationships Are Everything In Real Estate - What's It Take to Be a Successful Agent These Days? Every agent is glued to his cell phone or laptop screen these days. However, it’s important to remember on the other sides of all those electronic devices are real people, and they’re the ones who ke
Racist Realtor, What Would You Do? National Fair Housing Alliance & HUD Investigations Confirm Discrimination! Where's the outcry from the National Association of Realtors? On July 18, 2008, the U.S. Department of Justice filed a federal lawsuit against the real estate brokerage doing business a
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Eagle Construction New Construction Cash Back Rebates – Richmond Virginia Area Looking for new construction around Richmond, VA? Equity First Realty® can help you find a new home in Richmond and in various counties around the city. 1.5% Cashback Rebates For New Construction Equity First Realty® o
Ryan Homes New Construction Cash Back Rebates – Richmond Virginia Area Looking for new construction around Richmond, VA? Equity First Realty® can help you find a new home in Richmond and in various counties around the city. 1.5% Cashback Rebates For New Construction Equity First Realty® offers re
Making the decision to buy a new home is a life-altering event…in a good way. But the process can be daunting. Take the following advice from the Marcus Rice Team into consideration before heading out on your home-buying journey. Don't buy if you can't stay put. Given today’s challenging marketp
Making the decision to buy a new home is a life-altering event…in a good way. But the process can be daunting. Take the following advice from the Marcus Rice Team into consideration before heading out on your home-buying journey. Don't buy if you can't stay put. Given today’s challenging marketp