In April of 2007, I posted my first Active Rain blog. I had no idea what the heck I was doing. Quickly found out and climbed the ranks nationally here, but then my internet went down at home for 2 ENTIRE MONTHS. Unfortunately, habit become created quickly and soon, even after restoration of my
So while the kids just couldn't wait for Christmas, it did have a tendency to take it's toll on them all. Here is my 4th child, Grant. He's finishing some last minute shopping for mom and for some siblings.... But, alas, my 7 year old can't shop like mom can and is wiped out. Good time sleeping
So...I'm finally getting back to my regular posting...and yes, it's Friday now it's time for my Friday Night Tunes. I love acoustic covers. Here's a great remake of Drops of Jupiter by Train, being remade by Boyce Avenue. A great way to relax.... Happy Friday.I hop you enjoy it as much
12/28/2012 seems as if we are at a major impass on this. Those dam Dems and Reps just can't budge. Me??? I don't want tax increases and yes we need spending cuts, but an agreement, as of today seems like it's a virtual lock that barring some last minute miracle, that we're going over the cliff.
Too simple here.....very simple here. When I die...I'll leave a legacy. You will as well. What will your legacy be? Here are a few positve and negative legacies for you to consider: Negative: 1) I drank a lot of beer and had a lot of fun; 2) I made a lot of money; 3) I had a lot of vacations; 4)
Yes...we had a blast! It was a lot of fun. Every year I try to write something a bit inspirational. I couldn't this year...until Christamas day. Then my 5 year old all but slapped me in the face on the meaning of Christmas. Here's my message to my staff: Michelle and I spent less than $50
Tonight we celebrated a Christmas with my wife, 5 kids and my mom and dad. This year they are headed up to their place in Door County to spend Christmast with 2 of my other siblings. Jealous??? You bet...but to have my parents all night...selfishly not sharing them with anyone else, well....let
So, I'm sitting here thinking to myself that it's been quite a while since I've posted a Friday Night Tunes. While doing my search for a fun, Friday night song, I came up with a great acoustic remaster of the classic Simon & Garfunkel tune of Cecilia. Here is a really fun remake with a hip youn
As an attorney and as a lender I've seen more and more people buying and selling in trust. A trust is a great way to own property. It affords ownership, while protecting the individual in many respects. There are a few things that people need to know when doing a trust and getting a loan. 1) For
So I had my Green Bay Packer tickets to the game last week. My son and I spent the night prior to the game at our farm. Then we made the 2 hour jaunt to the game. The game was great. Great crowd, great revelry and a great win. For my son, as much as he loved the game, he loved the life exper