The Cheapest Home Is Not Necessarily The Best Deal
By Doug Rogers, Your Real Estate Resource!
(RE/MAX Coastal Properties)
The Cheapest Home Is Not Necessarily The Best Deal-- Buyers these day are value conscience. Heck, after living through the Great Recession most of us are. But let's examine why the cheapest property may not represent the best value. 1) Paying a note on something you hate stinks-- In my early twenties I bought a truck. In looking at three, I went with the one that was 50 dollars a month cheaper. Did I mention this beast had a 4 cylinder engine and weighed just less than the Titanic? And who needs a CD player when a tape deck is in the dash? I regretted my decision more each month as I wrote out the payment. 2) The cheapest usually means the smallest-- Cozy is great for a romantic weekend at the beach. Not so much when you are raising children. Space is something that is not cheap to add ...