I teach them about CAP Rate analysis and both purchase & rental comps.
Cash flow, property management introduction and refer them to a good landlord/tenant lawyer and book.
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
First thing is to identify if they are the "buy and hold" type or the "Flip 'em quick" type. Both have different needs. The buy and hold is more concerned about cap rates and the bottom line. I'd also discuss landlording and some of the basic laws for your area. This also begs the question, do you want to do property management? If yes, you can take care of the renting for a fee and then have a monthly retainer for the projects and repairs that come up. That's what I do. I never touch the money, so no need for a trust account or the threat of an auditor showing up randomly (which they do out here).
If they're interested in "Fix & Flip" there is a whole other talk about how to get properties, how much rennovations cost, how much time they take, do you use a contractor or not, owner/builder rules, etc.
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
I think you will first have to establish what type of investors they are - what are they looking for? What type of return are they looking for? How do your property management partners work...or do you do the property management if they're not looking to flip?
If they are looking to flip, review your contractors & their individual credentials with them.
I would say that you have to tailor your presentation specifically to their current needs. All investors are not the same and don't expect the same rate of return or the same type of representation either. Be sure you know this before going in!
ALSO, ask Joe Pryor once you find out their needs. He is a wealth of information on investor clients.
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Boy tape it and we can pick up from your expert presentation.
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
Step 1. Take CCIM CI 101 Financial Analysis. Best 1600 bucks you'll ever spend.
Step 2. USE what you learn to help your clients.
In. That. Order.
Do not pass go, attempt to teach or work with ANY investors till you know how! They're the ones who WILL ding you if you lose their money.
With experienced investors, you won't be the smartest on the team.
With greenhorn investors, you MUST.
You ain't there if you asked this Q, your supreme hotness!
Chris Ann Cleland
Gainesville, VA
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
I would not want to do this at all. There are too many 'wanna be's' out there already that get enough info off late night TV & the internet.
I would pass, sorry.
Chris Ann Cleland
Gainesville, VA
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Eve Alexander
Tampa, FL
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
This is not my niche, particularly. I have a couple of steady clients who buy very specific properties in specific areas with me and they know the drill. I'm there to facilitate the identification of properties and making the deal happen. But whenever I speak with a "new" investor buyer the most important thing is to first identify what kind of investor are they and what is their objective. That sets ongoing strategy.
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
They should read the book -“HOLD” !!!
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
First time investors are usually great to work with since they need guidance. It isn't that often that our expertise truly shows so early in a relationship with a new client. I haven't found a platform to create a seminar but public speaking is something I enjoy and teaching anything related to real estate would be incredible.
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
It's been said that we teach best what we need to learn.
What are the investor's goals? We first need to know what they want to achieve. What is the purpose of the investment?
To hold and rent?
To renovate and flip?
The numbers are what they are.
Investors want to work with seasoned agents that know the market and who can resource properties that will meet their investment goals.
I wish you all the best with this endeavor. I know you will do well.
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
If you don't know how to compute cap rate, cash on cash, and internal rate of return you are flying blind. If you are not aware of suplly and deman you are also flying blind. You also need the best in property management or you sales you make will make you extremely unpopular.
I would add it is not about the presentation, it is about the knowledge.
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Lyn Sims said it best.
I used to waste my time on "new" investors...no longer. Not even if they pay me extra.
Green investors either have some non-working formula, no REAL money, or think they will get rich quick.
I don't even want to hear about their needs...goodby!
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
I like Ryan Huggins - Thousand Oaks, CA answer and I'm stickin to it.
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
John Pusa
Glendale, CA
They want to know how much they will make, when and what is the risk and of course what part do you play and how much for your services. It is an ego driven dynamic with teeth. No love here except for money Speak $$$ fluently
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Focus on the available financing.
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
There's a lot of leeway between an equity and cash flow investment. You may want to break down their wants first then develop your seminar around each. Investing is an individual oriented business where everyone has their particular analysis at work. They can project all they want but I would point them toward current operating expenses and actual gross income before expanding the boundaries. You must feel your way through the early investment stages. Most learn quickly!
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Know your numbers, some will already know them and know if you do not, and others need to learn how to do the calculations before they lose their shirts.
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
that's a question for Candice A. Donofrio
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
I would run what you are going to say or handout by a CPA and an attorney.
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Praful Thakkar you need excellent marketing plan. Good luck!
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
Hi Praful, I belong to a Real Estate Investment Association. They have a different topic each month. You could start a Facebook Group of your attendees so they can ask for referrals of various tradesmen, etc. The spreadsheet is probably the most informational thing you can provide so they can make sure they don't forget some of the costs involved. Let us know how it goes. Feel free to ask me for any other ideas for your presentation.
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
Diana Dahlberg
Pleasant Prairie, WI
You have many great suggestions here Praful.
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
I've been to few, just for education, i'd suggest to check utube to see some of their live presentations.
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
Be real with them. Tell them what buyers want on the flip side. I have spoken to investor groups and many are misguided as to what to look for on the buy and how to fix up the properties. Share your insignts.
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
I teach them about CAP Rate analysis and options for types of investors.. long term holds vs flips or developers etc.
Don't jump when you see a great deal without checking it out really clsose
Be good with numbers e.g. cap rates, rent rates, ROI's, etc. But first-time investors... scary... for them - it's not as easy as HGTV makes it look.
It's nice to establish what types of investors they choose to be.
Are they looking to buy and hold? Become property managers? Fix and Flip? Use their retirement money for 1031 exchanges? Participate in a REIT?
Remember math is subject to the numbers provided. An investor should understand local trends for expenses in terms of percentages. That way a line by line examination will turn up red flags. Wrong numbers, wrong cap rates, wrong decisions!
I would start with 'what is an investor?'
Then comes, "What is a strategy?"
And lastly, "How many exits before considering a deal?"
The tools they need are directly related to the choices they make. For example tools sets are different if they are self-funed or will need to raise funding.
I have a CE course that we developed message me your email and I will send you a copy.
I like to touch on things that are not usually covered. Unpaid rent. Evictions. Damage. short term and long term repairs. Many newbies are not ready for owning and maintaining a building. All that can take bite out of a cap rate which can be meaningless