Lease purchase home sale. Huntsville AL, Madison AL, Hampton Cove AL start out listing the house for sale with a lease purchase considered. With a lease purchase, we may attract buyers who didn't think they could buy or who are a few months away from being able to purchase. We are sometimes...
The latest MLS activity I could find on 705 Hal Street were two sales in 2004. It sold for $37,500 to a local realtor. He resold it a few days later to one of his clients for $62,900. New Century Home Solutions is a guy in Meridianville, JOHN DUNST. I don't know what he is asking for the house ...
I got a call from the listing agent on XXXX told him you were holding off on purchasing for awhile and that your sister suggested an offer of $75,000 with seller paying your closing costs ($3,000). He said he thought the seller would accept that offer. Since the Federal Reserve raised the prime l...
Source; City of Huntsville Alabama Philip Winburn Huntsville, Alabama is part of the greater Tennessee Valley Region and Madison County, Alabama. It is nestled between the Tennessee River and the Appalachian Mountains, and as such, provides a varied terr...
Thanks for the kind words. We are always searching for ways to make searching homes for sale in Huntsville AL more efficent. The property is located just west of Hughes road in Madison about a mile south of Highway 72 / University Drive. The link below is to driving directions to the property f...
Called meeting at Huntsville Area Association of Realtors November 22nd, 2012 12:38 PM We will have a special meeting at the Association office at 9:00 am on Thursday November 29th. The purpose of this meeting is to authorize a full audit of our 2012 financials and to ratify the 2013 HAA...
Huntsville MLS, Huntsville real estate research. July 31st, 2012 7:58 PM 127 GENESIS DRIVE has been on the market since 06/23/11 and has had five price reductions to the present $209,900 / $90 per square foot. The link bel...