Do I Have To Get My Gas Meter Inspected - Brooklyn
By Michele Cadogan 917-861-9166, Licensed Real Estate Associate Broker -
(Fillmore Real Estate 2990 Av U, Bklyn , NY 11229)
Do I Have To Get My Gas Meter Inspected Brooklynites- protect your home and community - Get Your Gas Meter Inspected New York State Governor & New York Public Service Commission recently announced a new law requiring natural gas carrier National Grid or Con Edison to inspect all gas meters and lines served by the utility for leaks and corrosion of meters and lines. New Yorkers are required to give access to the utility workers and or their subcontractors for such inspections. Failure to provide access will results in fines and lost of service. For More Details or to schedule an appointment if you missed a visit for the utility worker visit : National Grid/ Gas meter inspections or Con Edison Home Safety*seniors living along - have a family member or neig...