Lake Sunapee (New London, NH)
By Dan O'Halloran, Lake Sunapee Real Estate
(Colby Real Estate)
If you are thinking about purchasing a house on Lake Sunapee, there is some important sales data that you should know about. Check out the ‘percent off list price’ to sales price. Believe it or not, there are some pretty big swings from what the house is listed for, to it’s final sales price. So when you are looking at properties, bear in mind if the price seems high, there is probably a fair amount of negotiating room.  Last year, out of 20 home sales on Lake Sunapee, the average ‘percent off list price’ was 17.75%! So far this year the number is at 14.37%, and the current two year average is 16.30%. Please click on the link below for more information, charts, etc. If you would like more information about a property, mar...
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