Village of Oxford, Michigan 48371 * 1 new listing this week at 403 Sunset Blvd. 4 bedrooms / 2.5 baths / 3829 sq.ft / private owned at $244,900.00 Reported solds this week:* 2 S. Glaspie St. / $34,000 with 1092 sq.ft* 141 East St. / $46,640 with 1139 sq.ft The Latest figures from Realcomp show our area (48371) as new listings down 23.8%, total active listings at 196, sold listings up 13.6%, and median sales price down 28% to $139,000.00 $8,000 first time home buyer tax credit/extension continues to help fuel sales, available homes priced to sell, decreased inventory fueling sales, foreclosed properties selling at faster pace. Did you know? The Village of Oxford is located just 9 miles north of The Palace of Auburn Hills.