The Village of Oxford, Oakland County Michigan, 4837107/15/2010 As of 07/11/2010, the median single family home price for Oxford is $223,077.00 / The market action index is at 16.50, which means Oxford is currently a buyer's market / Average property has been on the market for about 260 days / Median price per square foot* for homes in Oxford as of 07/11/2010 is about $103.00 / There are about 189 properties on the market. *Price per Square Foot is a measure of value. Think of this stat as answering the question - "How much house am I getting for my money?"This is particularly important if you are analyzing a market with a diverse mix of homes. For example, one 3-bedroom home (or Condo...) could be 1800 square feet and another in the same neighborhood could be 2200 square feet. If they ...