Harding Heights Subdivision: Central Baton Rouge Real Estate Update
By Bill Cobb Appraiser, Greater Baton Rouge's Home Appraiser
(Accurate Valuations Group, LLC)
Harding Heights Subdivision: Central Baton Rouge Real Estate Update 2013 by Baton Rouge List Price Home Appraisals HARDING HEIGHTS NEIGHBORHOOD DESCRIPTIONBaton Rouge LA population 228K. North BR (70811) generally older part of Town where average sales prices are in $50K to $60K range. Neighborhood lifecycle has progressed from maturity toward decline, especially in very immediate area with several REOs or foreclosures. Location is convenient to local schools, shopping and employment. BTR Airport is a major negative marketing factor. Developed in approximately 1940's with homes from 908sf up to 2,781sf living area. HARDING HEIGHTS HOUSING MARKET STATISTICSStable Median Sales Price. 6 Month Supply. 2 Competing Listings Isn't An Oversupply. 92% List-To-Sales Price Ratio. 2011-20...