How do you know how much to pay for a house?
By John Herman, Licensed Illinois Managing Broker- Property up Inc
(Property Up Inc.)
With mortgage rates of interest still as low as they're, paying cash for a home shouldn't be first on the list of financial priorities. Saving for retirement, building adequate emergency savings and paying off higher interest debt nearly always take precedence. That said, if you have the means to pay cash for a house, there are situations when purchasing your house outright is the way to go. Reasons to help keep your cash - The two various reasons to take out a mortgage even when you can really afford to pay money while maintaining liquidity and maximizing returns. Paying all cash, while commendable, is not a wise idea if it means spending too much of your savings to an asset that's inherently illiquid.Afford To Pay For HomeYou do not want to get into a situation where you're forced to ...