One can be sued for whatever gets into ones head. We always gave 3 names as recommendations for any service. And we also said, you are welcome to use anyone you want. A
Troy Erickson AZ Realt...
Chandler, AZ
I usually recommend three that I have confidence will do a thorough job. I also make certain that they have E^O insurance in case there is a mistake.
Gary Coles (Coaching)
Las Vegas, NV
If my buyer doesn't know anyone or have a clue who to call I give them a list and they make their own decision. It's always the buyers choice who to use.
Michael Setunsky
Woodbridge, VA
Emotionally, the client will hold me responsible of course; logically & legally it's on the inspector, my my 2 guys have thorough agreements to protect them and I preface every inspection with expectations. In 17 years, I've had 2 concerns; they are human too. I look for opportunities to make it right and keep a client for life though.
Connie Wildasinn
Long Beach, CA
Personally, I hope every one of my clients uses the home inspector I recommend them. He's honest, thorough, his report is easy to read. He let's the buyer know which items are health and safety issues and which items need further inspection. He also fixes small items along the way and keeps them off the report. He's tough and doesn't try to sell them the home. I have worked with many others and can't say the same about anyone else or I'd be referring two home inspectors or more. I do let them know that they can choose their own inspector as well.
We always recommend several home inspectors, and we only recommend people we have worked with and have found to be reliable.
I have my preferred and also give two additional for them to choose from for just this reason. Mark
I give them a list of 4 and tell them they can use someone of the list or someone else.
David - I too provide three names of inspectors, and tell all my clients that they have the choice to select any home inspector they wish, and they can find an entire list of them with a simple Internet search.
I always recommend at least three and I have the buyer contact them and contract. Keeps liability away.
When you see those 275 # inspector guarantee they can not get into cranny spaces.... Same with termite inspector. I prefer little guys.
They can only inspect what they can get their body into. Most garages are seldom looked into detail because most are packed...
I explain to clients that inspection is to help them make a decision to purchase or not to purchase the property. That after inspection they will know more about the property but thats not necessary complete list because of visibility or access issue or even human errors.
After 20 years in the business, yes I make recommendations. But always advise that they (buyer) can call ANYONE they so choose. In my 20 I finally had one huge issue that was missed (not by my regular guy - he was out on a medical leave, but the alternate guy) missed a heater that would have killed the new owner with carbon monoxide gas poison. The company I use stepped up with little priding and paid for the repair in full. Well above the price of inspection liability they will reimburse...it pays to Ave good people on your team...a typical buyer has no team of trades people...
I provide my clients a list of 5 inspectors who service the area. I let my clients know that they can select any inspector on the list or they may select one on their own. I have run into one problem in 1.5 years where the inspector missed the fact that the owner has the electricity rigged in which it was bypassing the meter. The power meter was rigged to display readings. Such an elaborate effort to steal power. The power company couldnt figure out how they did this.
You bet! We always provide a short list of several that have done well in the past, along with the link to the licensing website that lists all of them, and advise the Buyer to choose.
i dont recomend on in particular i have a list of 5 for them to pick from or they can go find one on the internet.
Usually, if the agent and/or inspector can not make it right, the attoney's get involved. Then the real value of the inspector is revealed.
David Barr I leave it up to the buyer or tenant. I can recommend someone, but it is their choice.