So you realize that your two year adjustable rate is going to reset in a short while and there is no way that your house is going to appraise in order to refinance. Or you bought your home one to two years ago and realize there is no way you're going to be able to sell the house for what you owe
This Sunday I did an open house on a new listing that I have which also happens to be a short sale. I couldn't believe how many people I had through even though it was raining (which is almost like a national holiday in California by the way.) Anyway, I had eight groups of people through the do
I put an offer in last week and have been calling the agent every day to check in and see if there was a response back from the bank. I got a call from my office today saying that there was a counter offer in for this property finally after eight days of our original offer. I understand there w
I've got several short sale listings right now and I'm pumped up!! I feel like I am really helping people stay in control of their choices in this market, and I'm also selling some GREAT deals! One thing I've decided is that I am getting the work out package together with or without an offer.
Wow, its amazing how many bank owned listings are available in our area. I've been working with a buyer for the past two weeks and we've written six offers. The first one we wrote had another offer just accepted right before we faxed over our offer. We learned our lesson and made sure to call
Okay, so word on the street is that this system is going crazy! I've heard agents complaining how they did a BPO four times before they were able to upload it into the system. I also have an offer out on a property that was entered into REOTrans and the agent is insisting that the system is to
Welcome to California! Home of earthquakes, mudslides, tabloid trash, traffic that makes you want to slit your wrists, and home prices that are through the roof. Ah yes, but we do have that sunshine!! That sun costs a premium!! Take a day like today. Would you rather be in beautiful sunny 70
Dear Buyer: I know you have been just as excited as I am about how prices have come down into "affordable" range in Temecula Valley. Did you get your pre-qualification completed with the lender? I'm touching base to see if we are still on to look at property this weekend. Better yet, can you t
Okay fellow agents out there, I am just curious to see what your personal experience with short sales has been? Have they been successful?What banks have been good to work with?Which banks will look at your work out package and give you a "pre-approved" list price?What banks have been horrible?W
Due to the sell out of the Feb 14 performance of The Vagina Monologues the dress rehearsal will be open to audience on Wednesday, Feb 13@7:30pm. This is not a ticketed/reservation performance it will be a$15 donation at the door, first come first serve seating. Remember this is a charity event f