New Century International Elementary School & West Regional Branch Library Coming to Fayetteville NC
"As we look to the future, we know we have to prepare our students to not only become productive citizens at home, they will need the skills and knowledge to compete with their peers around the world. I am excited about the approach to teaching and learning that will be used in this school. As c...
What's Happening in Fayetteville NC! I have resided in the Hope Mills area for over four years with my family. As a resident of Hope Mills activities to captivate my interest are an absolute must to keep myself and my f...
When you are ready to make a purchase in the fayetteville NC area then please give the Patty Herrera Team a call. We have the most updated information from financing to purchasing your home. Think You Can Pick ANY Lender or Agent to Work With? Let me share with you a recent event that caused a h...
Well if you are trying to decide is it time to sell your home, I say YES! We keep hearing everyone talk about "BRAC IS COMING" but when will we see the troops come marching in. Very soon we will have a our first group of soldiers start coming in March 2010 to get settled into headquaters on Fort ...
I read this ad today and was appauled to see how many mothers and children are living like this. We are suppose to be the United States of America. What is our leaders doing to help these familes? Why are the shelters filled to capicity? Homeless In America"There but for the grace of God, go ...