How many times have you been told EXACTLY what a buyer wants? Numerous, I am sure. How many times did they buy EXACTLY what they told you they wanted? Few, I am sure. About 10 years ago a lovely lady contacted me to help her find a horse farm. She wanted at least 10 acres with an old home th
Are you prepared in case of danger? Do you have a system in place at your office or with a co-worker in case you need help? Don't be foolish by putting "safety" to the sidelines of your business. Begin a practice of "The RED Folder" whenever you feel uncomfortable with a customer/client that y
I want to rally to beath the sluggish housing market! I am not quite sure where to begin since the media digs a hole to cover anything that might be a positive inspiration to the buyer or seller. We, as REALTORS, try to get buyers to see the GREAT opportunities in purchasing now. They have a wi
Yes, the market is slow. Yes, sellers are taking some concessions. Is the appearance of new programs that are really off the wall going to stop? Change is good. New is good. Is the AmeriDream program really good?That is a really tough question. I have not had the opportunity to use the progra
Well, have you ever had email confusion? I recently have gone through a major revamping of my email and the company "system". I have lost emails, lost folders, don't receive emails and can't send emails to some people. No one seems to have the answer and I am beginning to think that technology
Remember when you use to be able to qualify a person when you sat down to speak with them based on their incomes?Boy, has that changed. In 15 years we have gone from having control and understanding to a mix of "you can do what?" and "it is okay if they don't have money-credit is good". Everythi
Spring.......yes we are anxiously waiting for Spring. As Spring approaches all of us who are REALTORS are looking to a brisk season of selling and listing. What I have found so far this year is a little bit more conservative than last year. Folks are still hesitant to list and buyers are still