Is there a secret to getting short sales done? Well the answer is a definite "maybe!" One thing I have really prided myself on is keeping a list of any executives I have had contact with at all of the lenders and servicers I have had to deal with. I know you have probably heard that if you get st...
What?? How often have you sat there with your mouth hanging open listening to the bank "negotiator" say "I am sorry but we are rejecting the short sale because of _______________" (you fill in the blank). Has this happened to you: You sent in a file that makes perfect sense for a bank to accept a...
OK. I have to admit that I wasn't exactly sure I should have put it so bluntly. I have watched the careers of some of the best agents in my area go down the drain while others are having their best years ever in this market. Even my new agents in my office are doing well. Being a new agent in thi...
YES! YES! YES! I constantly hear agents say that they'll never do a short sale because they are a pain in the butt or that the lenders won't do them anymore. Well, to those agents I do have to say that they are correct. They are a little time consuming and SOME banks have been difficult to work w...
Yes! You can sell a home in a tough market. I have been active in real estate for 27 years and I have been through 3 roller coasters in real estate cycles. I have been successful in helping families move in any market and in any price range BUT there are some critical elements to always keep in m...