Here's to: Driving to appointments with the windows down! Putting sunglasses on your head! Taking a day off now and then to get to the beach! No coats! Sandals! Enjoying the landscaping when showing houses! Watching the trees and flowers bloom! Hip Hip Hooray!
I believe that our job as Realtors is to work not only with our clients but also with each other. We as Realtors have to respect each other and try to deal together without attacking or taking negatively about each other. Although we are competitors we need each other in order to serve our clie
The bank owned properties are multiplying before our eyes. Boarded up single family and multi family homes. No longer do we work side by side with our local realtors. In this market we work with the listing agents who are not from around here, who easily carry 100 listings in Massachusetts and Rh
I am annoyed by the posts on Facebook to the point that I had to unfriend people using it! Are you tired of seeing this.... " I just signed up for Stik and I need your recommendation. Please visit my page and click the "Recommend" button. Thanks!" It is just like junk mail! I would lov
It is very hard to be a Realtor when you are not well. So many people depend on us being there. Answering the calls with their questions, making the appointments, showing the sellers property so it can sell as quickly as possible or showing the buyer property quickly enough so they don't lose i
Bring us Spring! I want to see the sun and flowers blooming. I want to see the leaves budding (even though they make me sneeze!). I want to show homes with the sun roof opened and feel the warm sun on my head and go home to watch my garden growing more each day. I want to g
A few interesting facts from Fannie Mae's latest national housing survey that was conducted from Oct. 2010 through Dec. 2010: Americans are more confident about home prices stabilizing than they were at the beginning of 2010. Young Americans are particularly optomistic. 80% thought housing prices
The tax credit is still available for vets. Military personnel and certain other federal employees serving overseas must act quickly if they plan to take advantage of the federal tax credit of up to $8,000 for first-time buyers and $6,500 for long-time homeowners, which expires on April 30 of thi
The owner of my company is moving the office around and adding more work stations to our office. Everything is being cleaned and moved, old and broken things are being tossed. Refreshed! It feels so good! It is good to change, and adjust, and move, even in our personal lives. Go through a cl
26 Kilburn St List Price: $139,900 Fall River, MA 02724-2618 Bristol County Total Units: 2 Total Floors: 3 Total Rent: $0 Total Rooms: 12 Total Bedrooms: 7 Total Full/Half Baths: 2/1 Total Fireplaces: 0 Grade School: Middle School: High School: Directions: South on South Main to Left on Glo