Joseph Domino - From The Outside Looking In

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Joe Domino is a former licensed real estate agent serving the Phoenix/Scottsdale metro area. Joe's broad base of experience and depth of knowledge provide him a unique insight into the world. Follow Joe's idiosyncratic articles and postings which he makes available for your education and enjoyment.
The real estate market is ever-changing. One huge event that has taken place in Arizona has gone by seemingly unnoticed.Effective 01/01/2025 the Arizona Department of Revenue announced the elimination of transaction privilege tax (TPT) applicable to the rental of real estate for residential purpo...
We all knew this day would come; it had to. It was simply a matter of time. After twenty-one years, my most recent career is ending.I’m not dying, nor am I heading out to pasture, but as of right now, I am no longer a Realtor®. While my Arizona real estate license will remain valid for a few more...
I have been a big proponent of RPR for many years. In fact, I am often surprised when I talk to agents that do not use the platform.I hear responses like, “I can do a CMA from the MLS search tool."True the MLS CMA is likely to be the closest model to what an appraiser will use, but other tools ca...
I don’t have to tell you it’s hot in Phoenix in the summer. I’m not sure how the early settlers survived without modern HVAC systems.That being said, to me, when the temperatures exceed 100° on a daily basis a properly working HVAC system is a must at my house. Part 1 - I Must Be Clairvoyant.Abou...
I get a lot of repeat business. I think it has something to do with trust.When I took a recent listing, I was angry.The house I was listing was one I had sold to the current owner years earlier. He had moved out of state and no longer wished to maintain the house. I knew the property and the neig...
In honor of Saint Patrick's Day 2024, I offer you a LimerickI once had a dog name of FredHe laid in the house on his bedHe never would stirTill I ruffled his furIf I stirred him too soon, he played dead  Don't Forget To wear green.
This is my first attempt at creating a Dream/Vision Board and my entry to the February Challenge by Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - Wanda Can! and Kathy Streib.The first step was deciding what inspiration I would choose. My choices were many. It could have been about Real Estate using pictures and thoughts ...
In a recent article here on AR, Margaret Rome Baltimore 410-530-2400 discusses the pros and cons of Title Lock Insurance. Title Insurance Yes-Title Lock Insurance Maybe NotThe article is important because with the tools available online it has become easier than ever for scammers to record legal ...
There was a time when I considered Artificial Intelligence to be someone who pretended to know the subject matter but was posturing instead. I also had another name for it that I abbreviated with the letters BS.That was before computers became so powerful, that they could simulate human thought, ...
It was Shakespeare who famously said “Once More Unto The Breach” in his play Henry V. The oration was a pep talk from the king intended to rally his troops to battle.In my case, the cause will be less dramatic, yet still important. You see, it is the time of year when again I must ask myself, Do ...

Joseph Domino 480-390-6011

The Art of Storytelling
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