I've always been reminded to "keep things in perspective", and in looking at REO properties, it is important to do the same thing by all parties involved.As an inspector, my job is to accurately transfer knowledge to the client about the condition of the property. I'm not there to "find things wr
Sometimes I get questions about matching stucco color coating with a similar paint color.Here is California, one of the major producers of color coated stucco is a company called La Habra. That information can come in very handy when trying to exactly match a paint to an existing stucco color.A f
One of the biggest obstacles I'm coming across in the inspection process is a home that is not prepared to be inspected.Some of the biggest problems are:1. No power to property2. No water to property3. Physical damage to the property (including vandalism)What can Realtors(R) do to help minimize t