Cleve Gaddis of Gaddis Partners Real Estate Services wraps up the Georgia Association of Home Inspectors (GAHI), annual conference with his insightful market report. With a strong demand and super low inventory, homes will be on the market for only a short time. The percentage of New constructio
I recently enjoyed some fun in the sun over the holidays in central Florida. I really tried to leave my inspector hat at home and enjoy time with my family, however, the lines for some of the rides forced me to slow down and observe my surroundings. Trying not to be too critical of things and kn
It's just part of the inspection routine to inspect the insides of toilet tanks. Typical findings include plumes of rust and corrosion on the tank bolts or some type of a jerry-rigged link between a flushing handle and a flapper. While in the home stretch on this inspection, which was clean vacan
The ubiquitous shower head. I sometimes let my guard down and momentarily forget some of the lessons I've learned while inspecting homes. Here's what I am referring to: I try to remember to first look up at the shower head before turning on the shower. In the above instance, I had my camera on an
Former home of heavy chain smokers with at least one child living there. Reusable filters, unfortunately, have to be washed once a month. Not every 3 months as this guy reasoned. This one was never cleaned anyway. Black tar coats the filter.
Home Inspector Glen Fisher of South Jersey nailed this one when he described the condition of many of these Fannie Mae properties. I always know when I've entered one of these homes because of the ample numbers of flyers placed on the counters and the Sharpie dated Renuzit style air fresheners.I
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, January is National Radon Action Month. You can obtain low-cost test kits locally or hire a radon professional to test. In a real estate transaction, the EPA recommends hiring a qualified professional to conduct the test. It's a sure way to
This is an informal poll. Opinions appreciated. I was just finishing up a home inspection on a new construction home a few days before Christmas. A young couple walked up to the on-site builder and asked him if they could take a look at a home across the street. Since my job was complete, I seize
In many instances, new decks can take the load off the amount of reporting that's required. For years, deck builders in metro Atlanta Georgia have been making the same mistakes when it comes to methods of ledger board attachment. Mistakes that include missing flashing, incorrect attachment of le
Any past client or Realtor who has ever received an on-line inspection report from me can access it if they wish to via a secure password protected website. This is true for all home reports over the past 7 years. My observation is is that once the transaction is complete, few return to review i