My Dyersburg real estate website bounces from #1 to #2(back and forth) for several key search terms for my area. Believe it or not my Dyersburg real estate website is a templated website that I have tweaked and tweaked. I wonder if say 75 of my fellow "rainers" were to hit it over the weekend if
Here in West Tennessee we got a glimpse of what you rainers up north are experiencing. We got the ice and snow and cold. I yearn for a place with no ice, snow, cold but sun and fun. Tomorrow night the projected low is -7. My Destin beachfront condos are on the rental program. Here is my website
Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North kept this Christian/veteran spellbound with his novel, "Mission Compromised". Being an Air Force veteran, I love to read novels,fiction and non fiction that are about the military and/or wars. I also love to read good Christian themed books. Guess what, Col. North