
Springfield, VT Real Estate News

By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
The Southwest Corner to be Performed by SCP in Springfield Vermont, hey there folks how about coming on out to take in and enjoy the season opening play. On Friday the 1st of June 2012 the Springfield Community Players will be performing a enjoyable Comedy-Drama titled The Southwest Corner by John Cecil Holm, which is based in the book written by Mildred Walker. This play is humor of a gentle, whimsical sort permeates the all-too-real story of an Elderly Woman who wants to stay in her Generations Old Home in Vermont. The Southwest Corner to be Performed by SCP in Springfield Vermont, this mighty fine play will be performed at the Springfield Community Players Studio which is located on South Street in Springfield, Vermont. The play is scheduled to be performed as follows, Friday the 1st...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
The Southwest Corner to be Performed in Springfield Vermont, hey there folks how about coming on out to take in and enjoy the season opening play. On Friday the 26th of May 2012 the Springfield Community Players will be opening their season with the enjoyable Comedy-Drama titled The Southwest Corner by John Cecil Holm, which is based in the book written by Mildred Walker. This play is humor of a gentle, whimsical sort permeates the all-too-real story of an Elderly Woman who wants to stay in her Generations Old Home in Vermont.The Southwest Corner to be Performed in Springfield Vermont, this mighty fine play will be performed at the Springfield Community Players Studio which is located on South Street in Springfield, Vermont. The play is scheduled to be performed as follows, Friday the 2...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Springfield High School Free Concert in Springfield Vermont, folks come to enjoy some mighty fine music and show your support to the Students and Faculty of Springfield High School. On Thursday the 24th of May 2012 the Springfield High School Musicians will be presenting their final Concert for this year. This here mighty fine Concert is scheduled to begin at 7:00 P.M. and will be held in the Auditorium of Springfield High School which is located at 303 South Street in Springfield, Vermont. Springfield High School Free Concert in Springfield Vermont, the Concert will be featuring the Concert Band, Chorus, Madrigal Singers, and the Wind Ensemble, plus the Faculty members of Springfield High School that will be joining and Piano Virtuoso Daniel Weiset. Music Director Jim Chlebak of Spring...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Birding Program to be held at the Library in Springfield Vermont, folks here is another mighty fine program event to be held in Springfield. If your not going to attend the Springfield High School Concert, then you mighty want to attend this first of a two part Birding program. On Thursday the 24th of May 2012 Amateur Naturalist Gail Kruetzman will be present this here Free program for folks to attend, which is titled Birding With Your Eyes Closed. The first of this two part program will be held at the Springfield Town Library, which is located at 43 Main Street in Springfield, Vermont, and is scheduled to begin at 6:30 P.M. Gail Kruetzman will be teaching folks how to identify and locate birds just by their calls and songs. Birding Program to be held at the Library in Springfield Vermo...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Springfield High School Concert in Springfield Vermont, folks come to enjoy some mighty fine music and show your support to the Students and Faculty of Springfield High School. On Thursday the 24th of May 2012 the Springfield High School Musicians will be presenting their final Concert for this year. This here mighty fine Concert is scheduled to begin at 7:00 P.M. and will be held in the Auditorium of Springfield High School which is located at 303 South Street in Springfield, Vermont. Springfield High School Concert in Springfield Vermont, the Concert will be featuring the Concert Band, Chorus, Madrigal Singers, and the Wind Ensemble, plus the Faculty members of Springfield High School that will be joining and Piano Virtuoso Daniel Weiset. Music Director Jim Chlebak of Springfield High...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Springfield on the Move Brown Bag Lunch Series in Springfield Vermont, folks if you are able to take the time to attend each of these, you'll sure want to. On Tuesday the 22nd of May 2012 will kick off the first of the teaming up of Springfield on the Move and the Southeastern Vermont Community Action Mocro Business to offer this Free Brown Bag Lunch Series of roundtable discussions and workshops on Springfield Downtown Businesses, both for the established Businesses and those that are considering doing business downtown. Springfield on the Move Brown Bag Lunch Series in Springfield Vermont, these will be bi-monthly sessions which will be held at the Springfield Savings and Loan Bank, which is located at 85Main Street, in Springfield, Vermont. The actual sessions are scheduled to take p...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
YMCA Camp Open House in Springfield Vermont, folks does your kids want to go to camp? Then you just might want to attend this here camp open house. On Sunday the 20th of May the Meeting Waters YMCA will be hosting a combined YMCA Healthy Kids Day and Camp Open House event. This here event is scheduled to be held rain or shine (as of the writing and posting of this blog post, the Weatherman is calling for clear skies for our area). The Camp Open House is scheduled to be held between the hours of 1:00 P.M. and 4:00 P.M. YMCA Camp Open House in Springfield Vermont, the admission for folks and their kids to attend the event if Free. During this here event, prospective campers and their parents will be able to meet the Camp's Staff Leaders and tour some of the 52 acre Lewis Day Camp Facility...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
May 2012 Festival being held in Springfield Vermont, folks y'all sure don't want to miss out attending this here Festival which sure does have a whole lot enstored for ya. On Saturday the 12th of May 2012 the Unitarian Universalist Church is hosting their May Festival, which will be held for folks to attend Rain or Shine. The Weatherman just said the sky will be clear in the morning, and clouds moving in the late afternoon. The Festival will be hold at Unitarian Universalist Church, which is located at 21 Fairground Road in Springfield, Vermont. May 2012 Festival being held in Springfield Vermont, this Festival is scheduled to be held between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. Did I hear one of y'all ask what folks can expect to find at the event? Folks will find booths that have Arts...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Apple Blossom Cotillion Scholarship Fund Raising in Springfield Vermont, folks are you ready for this here mighty fine community tradition to be held? Will its sure time for it to be held this here weekend and the Crowning of the Apple Blossom Queen will take place on Saturday evening. This here community tradition the 56th Annual Apple Blossom CotillionĀ  is scheduled to begin on Friday the 4th of May 2012. This is the largest single event in the area. More than 2,000 folks attend the two performances. The opening is scheduled to be at 7:30 P.M. Friday evening. This year's Apple Blossom Cotillion theme is Struck By Love, which will be told through a variety of songs that will be performed by 17 High School Senior Girls and Escorts which make up the Apple Blossom Cotillion. 20 Elementary...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Weed Presentation and Discussion Program in Springfield Vermont, folks sure should find this here program to be mighty informative to attend, and learn some mighty fine information. On Thursday the 3rd of May 2012 this program which is titled Wise on Weeds-Exotic Invasive Plants in Vermont. This program is Free for folks to attend, and is being held at the Springfield Town Library, which is located at 43 Main Street in Springfield, Vermont. The program is scheduled to begin at 6:30 P.M. Weed Presentation and Discussion Program in Springfield Vermont, this here presentation and discussion facilitated by Michele Delhaye and Jennifer Campbell, who are both Vermont Master Gardeners. This program was created by the Nature Conservancy of Vermont and is Co-Sponsored by the Ascutney Mountain Au...
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Blood Drive taking place in Springfield Vermont, folks come attend and show your support for this here blood drive at the VFW. Take a moment to think about how it would feel if you or a family member was needing some blood, and the blood was not there. Blood donations have been down all across our Great Country. Please do your part to help. On Wednesday the 25th of April this American Red Cross Blood Drive will be held at the Robert L. Johnson VFW Post 771 which located at 191 River Street #1 in Springfield, Vermont. This here blood drive will be held between the hours of 12:00 P.M. and 5:30 P.M. All blood types sure are critically needed to help save lives. Blood Drive taking place in Springfield Vermont, donors must be at least 17 years of age and weigh at least 110 pounds. All folks ...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Blood Drive to be held at the VFW Post in Springfield Vermont, folks come attend and show your support for this here blood drive at the VFW. Take a moment to think about how it would feel if you or a family member was needing some blood, and the blood was not there. Blood donations have been down all across our Great Country. Please do your part to help. On Wednesday the 25th of April this American Red Cross Blood Drive will be held at the Robert L. Johnson VFW Post 771 which located at 191 River Street #1 in Springfield, Vermont. This here blood drive will be held between the hours of 12:00 P.M. and 5:30 P.M. All blood types sure are critically needed to help save lives. Blood Drive to be held at the VFW Post in Springfield Vermont, donors must be at least 17 years of age and weigh at ...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Energy Program on Shared Heating Loop Systems to be held in Springfield Vermont, folks come on out to attend this here presentation. This here presentation will be taking place on this evening of Tuesday the 17th of April 2012. The program will be taking place on the third floor of the Springfield Town Hall in the Springfield Selectboard Meeting Room, and is scheduled to begin at 7:00 P.M. John Pugh and Mary Ann Remolador are sending out this here invitation to folks from all around the area to come attend this here Energy Program. Energy Program on Shared Heating Loop Systems to be held in Springfield Vermont, the program will be featuring the subject on Shared Heating Loop Systems, which is also know as Thermal Loop District Heating. Don IngoldĀ  whom is the Technical Director of the N...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Prayer Shawl Ministry Meets in the Town of Springfield Vermont, calling all folks which enjoy knitting and crocheting. On Wednesday the 11 of April 2012 the Prayer Shawl Ministry Group of the Springfield area are scheduled to meet. The meet will be held at the First Congregational Church, which is located at 77 Main Street in Springfield, Vermont. This here is an hour meet which will be held from 7:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. The Prayer Shawl Ministry is an ecumenical group of Knitters and Crochetters that stitch Comforting shawls and Lap Blankets to give to folks which are in need with in the local community of Springfield, Vermont. Prayer Shawl Ministry Meet in the Town of Springfield Vermont, VNA Hospice and Hospitals are also included in receiving of the Comforting Shawls and Lap Blankets....
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By Baker Home Inspection and Commercial Properties Inspections, Home and Commercial Properties Inspections Vermont
(Baker Residential and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Brunch Buffet being held in Windsor Vermont part of Windsor County Vermont, folks if y'all don't already have plans, then how about coming and enjoying some mighty fine food. On Sunday the first of April 2012 St. Paul's Episcopal Church is holding an All-You-Can-Eat Brunch Buffet, between the hours of 11:00 A.M. and 1:00 P.M. St. Paul's Episcopal Church is located at 27 State Street in Windsor, Vermont. The menu for this here Brunch Buffet will be featuring Pancakes with Real Maple Syrup, Eggs, Homefries, Sausage, Casseroles, Homemade Soup, Homemade Breads, Fruit, Desserts, and several different Beverages and more. Brunch Buffet being held in Windsor Vermont part of Windsor County Vermont, the low cost for this here All-You-Can-Eat Brunch Buffet is as follows, $7.50 for Adults and $3.00...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
University of Vermont Dance Program to take place in Springfield Vermont, folks are invited to come enjoy this here program performance. On Monday the 26th of March 2012 the University of Vermont Dance Program will perform at the Springfield High School which is located at 303 South Street in Springfield, Vermont. This is the Fifth Year that the program has been performed at the High School. The program is scheduled to begin at 8:00 A.M. and lasts about 60 minutes. Folks need to go to the Springfield High School's Gym. University of Vermont Dance Program to take place in Springfield Vermont, the performance will include Students and Faculty choreography in modern dance. The dancers are from the University of Vermont and the University of Nebraska. Everyone sure are mighty welcome to com...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Sugar-on-Snow Supper to be held in Cavendish Vermont, folks come enjoy an evening out for a mighty fine meal and socialize with other folks from the area. On Saturday the 24th of March 2012 the Cavendish Baptist Church, which is located at 2258 Main Street in Cavendish, Vermont. The Church's Helping Hand Class is sponsoring this here Sugar-on-Snow supper. The supper will be held between the hours of 5:30 P.M. and 7:00 P.M. Ticket prices are as follows, $10.00 for Adults, $5.00 for kids 6 to 12 years of age, and kids under 6 are Free. Sugar-on-Snow Supper to be held in Cavendish Vermont, the supper will be served buffet style, except for the mighty special dessert. The menu of the supper will include, Ham and Baked Beans sweetened with Maple Syrup, Mashed Potatoes, Squash, Peas, Pickles,...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Springfield Democrat Caucus is being held in Springfield Vermont, it time for Springfield's Democrats to come together for the Caucus Meeting. On Saturday the 24th of March 2012 the Springfield Town Committee will be holding the caucus at the Springfield Town Library, which is located at 43 Main Street in Springfield, Vermont. The caucus is scheduled to start at 10:00 A.M. All Democrats are invited to attend. Individuals need to have voted in Presidential Primary and taken a Democratic ballot to vote at this here caucus. Springfield Democrat Caucus is being held in Springfield Vermont, the purpose of this here Presidential Town Caucus is to elect delegates from the Town of Springfield to the Democratic Convention, which will be held in Barre on the 26th of May. Delegates to the State Co...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Spaghetti Fundraiser Dinner being held in Springfield Vermont, calling all the good folks of the area, come enjoy a mighty fine dinner and to show your support and help this mighty fine group raise money. This here Spaghetti Dinner is be held on Friday the 23rd of March 2012 by the Windsor County Partners Mentors for Youth. Its being held in the cafeteria of the Union Street Elementary School, which is located at 43 Union Street in Springfield, Vermont. The is scheduled to be held between 5:00 P.M. and 6:30 P.M. Besides being able to enjoy a mighty fine dinner by attending, this is also a mighty fine opportunity for you to also socialize and meet some of the organization's mentoring partnerships and be able to learn about the rewards of mentoring. Spaghetti Fundraiser Dinner being held ...
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By Dale Baker, New Hampshire Relocation Real Estate Information
(Baker Energy Audits and Commercial Properties Inspections)
Vermont Humanities Council History Program to be take place in Springfield Vermont, folks come and enjoy a mighty fine evening of learning about Vermont coming into the 20th Century. On Thursday the 15th of March 2012 the Green Mountain Chronicles, will presenting Oral Histories of the 20th Century, this is a Free Vermont Humanities Council program for folks to enjoy. The program is going to be held at the Springfield Town Library, the program is scheduled to begin at 6:30 P.M. This program was created for the Vermont Historical Society and to be broadcast on the Vermont Public Radio. Vermont Humanities Council History Program to take place in Springfield Vermont, the Green Mountain Chronicles program will present folks a wide variety of Vermonters which will be sharing their memories o...
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