Millcreek,Ut - Legislative Town Hall Feb. 7th at 7:00 pm
By sandy straley, Selling Homes for over 40 Years
(Rindlesbach Homes)
Millcreek Homes for SaleLet your voices be heard and march down to this Town Hall to let your Legislators know what issues you are concerned with and how to vote. This will make more of an impact than emailing, phoning and texting--- Please everyone else throughout the valley find out when your town meeting will be and attend. Your legislators need to hear from you in a controlled environment. Grassroots is where it all starts ----I post all the bills I follow concerning private property rights and education on my Facebook page -- follow me for all the up to date information. Also looking to purchase or sell your home or real estate property, call me and I will be happy to tell you how you can receive the greatest amount of value, in the shortest possible time with the least amount ...