Dallas County in Heat Emergency?
By Donna Harris, Realtor,Mediator,Ombudsman,Property Tax Arbitrator
(Donna Homes, powered by JPAR - TexasRealEstateMediationServices.com)
The Dallas County officaials are thinking about declaring a heat emergency. There are now 8 heat related deaths across the county as even the night time temperatures are staying above 80 degrees.The news keeps reflecting back to the summer of 1980 as the hottest summer with 69 days over 100 degrees, but I keep reflecting back to the summer of 1998 when there were over 50 days over 100 degrees, and I had juts graduated college and I was having to go on interviews in a full suit and pantyhose and boy was it hot. I didn't live here in 1980, so I have no idea how that really compared, but '98 was HOT HOT HOT!Back in 1980, the hottest days records were on July 26 and 27 at 113 degrees... and with the heat index, that was probably well over 120!Stay COOL and drink lots of water, not just flu...