
Old Forge, PA Real Estate News

By Bonnie Vaughan, CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin
                                   OLD FORGE PA BARGAIN PRICED HOMES Looking to take advantage of great deals now available on the market?  Bank owned properties offer a great selection even if your budget is modest. Get them before they are gone.  Take a peek at some very reasonably priced homes in Old Forge Pa. click the link below to see what's currently available BARGAIN PRICED HOMES      
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By Bonnie Vaughan, CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin
Since 2005, Jesse Jackson Jr. has been introducing the same bill in every session of Congress. Each time the bill has died. The last time it was introduced was March 2009.  It has been referred to committee. The bill would produce a new amendment to our Constitution. It reads as follows: SECTION 1. All persons shall enjoy the right to health care of equal high quality. SECTION 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce and implement this article by appropriate legislation. This would definitely "fundamentally change America". I noticed that the bill says "All persons", not all citizens.  Does that mean illegal aliens as well?  Any more you need a watchdog 24/7 to keep t...
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By Bonnie Vaughan, CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin
Our newest National Park will be thousands of miles away from most Americans.  Forget about loading up the kids in the mini-van.  This one you will need an expensive air line ticket to get there. Two weeks ago on a near party vote the Democrats agreed to purchase a former plantation on St. Croix. Currently the Park Service is back logged 9 billion dollars in maintenance for parks in the country.  Did we really need to spend this money at this time?  Why should Americans be paying for a park they will more than likely never visit.  Only the wealthiest will be able to afford to take advantage of this Pork Purchase.   It will wind up an International playground for the rich. The Gasperi family who currently owns it will be glad for the windfall now that they have sold it.  Not many buyers ...
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By Bonnie Vaughan, CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin
  Friday I heard some interesting statistics on Nancy Pelosi's spending habits.                          That's spending as in OUR MONEY! It costs 1 million a year to fly her home to Calif on her private U.S. jumbo plane for the weekend.  It's not like she couldn't use some smaller private jet that would be less expensive.  She travels with an entourage.  Friends, family, Aids and a collection of hangers on.  Do we foot the bill for housing and feeding her Aids when they arrive in California for the weekend? Her food and liquor bill just for her travel was $100,000.00.  How do you spend over $8,000.00 a month on food and booze for a 5 hour flight? Guess Nancy feels since she is third in line to the Presidency that makes her more important than other members of the House.  Many members o...
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By Bonnie Vaughan, CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin
  Yesterday it was reported that 20 million people collected unemployment checks this year.  We have an estimated 30 million American citizens without health care.  More if you add illegals and those who could qualify for Medicaid but do not apply. Those folks increase the number to closer to 40 odd million. (They should not be counted to begin with) We are overhauling, re-writing and spending a trillion dollars to re-create health care in this country for 30 million people.  10% of the population. Now I know this is a stupid suggestion, but wouldn't it make more sense to spend the money to get the 20 million people employed again?  Let the government spend our tax dollars and subsidize their new employers for supplying them with health care insurance. That would reduce the number of un...
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By Bonnie Vaughan, CNE SFR - Buyers/Sellers - Lackawanna & Surroundin
MARKET UPDATE BY SCHOOL DISTRICT AUGUST 1, 2009 - AUGUST 31, 2009 OLD FORGE Units Sold              2 Aver Sales Price                    $83,950 Median Sales Price                    $83,950 Aver Days On Market                  113  Information provided by Scranton Board of Realtors and deemed to be correct.  Author is not responsible for any inaccuracies or typographical errors.
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