Thanksgiving Giving
By Gloria Todor, & Doug Durren (484) 431-3686 in SE PA
(Premier Property Sales & Rentals)
This month AR members were invited by Dr. Paul McDonald and Kathleen Daniels to take part in a challenge called Acts of Kindness | Sharing Love & Joy This Holiday Season. This is one of my contributions.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is the 30th year that a former co-agent of ours, Bob Teta, has helped feed those in need along with the help of others connected to his church community, in Delaware County, PA.It all began years ago after he lost three members of his family in a very short period of time. Being the kind person that he is, shortly after that horrid reality, he and his wife were approached by a needy person on the street asking for money, which they gave him. This person’s response to their generosit...