
Palmyra, NY Real Estate News

Every year the Church of the Latter Day Saint's have a pagent held on a hillside in Palmyra, New York.This years event will be held July 10th and 11h and the following week on the 14th to the 18th with all shows beginning at 9:15 pm.The pageant depicts the origins of the religion where Joseph Smith wrote the book of Mormon in 1830.The pageant consists of 300 volunteer actors and others whom handle lighting etc.2015 Hill Cumorah PageantHill Cumorah & Historic Siteshill cumorah pageant youtubeLocated north of the Finger Lakes region and south of Lake Ontario there are many activities consisting of wineries, great restaurants, water activities and sights such as Watkins Glen.If you are in the area it is worth the time to visit.
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By Kristen Wahl, CBR
(Re/Max Plus)
Autumn is one of the most lovely times of the year in Upstate New York. The temperatures are mild, and the foliage is spectacular! Last weekend, my mother and I took a drive through Wayne County and snapped some photos of the gorgeous colors. Most of the bright orange Sugar Maples were past peak, but the yellow and reds were fantastic. We drove from my parents' house in Macedon to Newark and back. Most of these photos were taken in the Palmyra Cemetery, which just happened to have some of the most amazing colors. Here's a slideshow of some of my favorite photos: Since we're talking about Fall, I also wanted to remind everyone that tomorrow is November 1st, which means it's time to "Fall Back"! Don't forget to TURN YOUR CLOCKS BACK AN HOUR TONIGHT! Enjoy Autumn in the Greater Rochester a...
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