Homes for sale in Shorewood, Illinois - May 6, 2022
By Cheryl Bowers, Plainfield, Naperville, IL. Real Estate
(Bowers Realty Group LLC)
Homes for sale in Shorewood, Illinois - May 6, 2022There are currently 69 homes for sale in Shorewood, IL with an average list price of $427,561. Below is a recap of each subdivision in Shorewood that has homes currently for sale. The subdivisions are listed in order from most listings to least.Homes for sale in Shorewood, IL without a subdivision listed.There are currently 20 homes for sale in Shorewood without a subdivision listed. The homes range from 1-5 bedrooms with a price range of $200,000 - $695,000. The properties currently available in were built between 1942 and 2014.Homes for sale in Westminster Gardens Shorewood, ILThere are currently 13 homes for sale in Westminster Gardens Shorewood, IL. The homes range from 3-4 bedrooms with a price range of $385,580 - $523,475. The pr...