
Lake in the Hills, IL Real Estate News

By Steve Dossing
  Additional Affiliate OrganizationsBoy Scouts and Cub ScoutsJoe Murawski658-6763Eagle Eye Neighborhood Watch Emergency - 911Suspicious Activity- Vandalism/Non-Emergency- 658-5676 960-7460Girl ScoutsJean Murawski658-6763Interfaith Food PantryRichard Hoeferle658-5130Lake in the Hills Historical SocietyBob Spooner(847) 658-1066McHenry County Historical SocietyNancy J. Fike(815) 923-2267Community Clubs and OrganizationsAlgonquin-Lake in the Hills Jaycees 622-4555Algonquin/LITH Kiwanis ClubAndrew Hill658-7843 Fox Valley Toastmasters Club Bruce McElroy658-7325Lake in the Hills 4-H ClubWoodstock Office(815)338-4747Lake in the Hills Lions ClubBrian Quast854-3212Lake in the Hills Property Owners Association 658-9585 After 3:00 P.M.Lake in the Hills Senior's Club Maryanne Miloch658-6963Lake in t...
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By Steve Dossing
Here's some local LITH airport info - Don't forget the air expo on 6-27-07!  Airport Information   FAA Notices to Airmen The Lake in the Hills Airport, located at 8407 Pyott Road, is a designated FAA reliever airport for Chicago O'Hare. With one paved runway, 139 based aircraft, and 60,000 annual operations, the Airport represents 2.63% of the total impact of Illinois reliever airports. The airport and related businesses employs 46 full-time and 36 part-time employees and generates a total impact of over $17 million annually.  3800 ft. X 50 ft. asphalt runway (8/26) Full length parallel taxiway with crossovers Airport elevation 888 ft. Full service FBO / AvGas & Jet A Airport Beacon REILS (RW8) PAPI (RW8-26) CTAF/UNICOM frequency 123.05MHz Digi Wx, weather reporting system - 3 click on ...
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By Steve Dossing
     Lake In The Hills has always had your best interests at heart now they've provided fun for your dogs too!Lake in the Hills Dog Park9027 Haligus RoadLake in the Hills, IL 60156The Lake in the Hills Dog Park was developed with dogs and owners in mind; shade, drinking water, onsite parking and a large area for dogs to run and socialize.  The Dog Park provides year-round opportunities for dogs (and owners) to socialize as well as exercise.  Both are important to the animal's health and temperament. A dog park promotes responsible pet ownership as well as allows dogs to legally run off-leash.Bark Park Doggie NewsMcHenry County Pet Owners InformationReal World Dog Classes Additional InformationThe "Scoop on Poop"How to Buy a PermitDog ConflictsRegistration FormBark Park RulesMapThe "Scoo...
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By Steve Dossing
For those of you not familiar with Lake In The Hills, here are a few items to help in your search for local services!I hope this is of great service to you, and if you ever have any questions regarding services in Lake In The Hills, please give me a call.Steve Dossing   815-276-4139 Village Services and Public Works The Public Works Department is located at 9010 Haligus Road in Lake in the Hills. The phone number is(847) 960-7500 and the facility is open from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.ϕ Garbage Collection ARC Disposal is the franchised waste hauler for the Village. Refuse,recycling and landscape waste are all collected on the same day, once per week. To begin service pleasecontact ARC at (847) 981-0091. Landscape waste (grass, leaves and branches up to 3.5 inches in diam...
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By Steve Dossing
A little History of Lake In The HillsLake in the Hills was once a small residential community with farms dotting the surrounding landscape. Paved streets and major thoroughfares now mask the dirt roads and quieter times. However, a few original farms and fieldstone foundations still stand today as reminders of our past. The history of Lake in the Hills started in 1923, when Federal Judge Walter J. La Buy began purchasing property around what is now Woods Creek Lake, the Village's main lake. By 1926 he had acquired 472 acres as his estate. Along the south side of Woods Creek Lake, on Indian Trail, five stucco houses were built for the judge's children.Today only one house stands in its original state, while the others have been altered and enlarged. These homes remain clearly distinguish...
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By Vicki Watzlawick, Illinois Foreclosure Expert, The Watz Team
(CORE Realty (The Watz Team) )
Summer Sunset Idol  contest, Lake In The HillsThis year the Preliminary Round is being held at the Lake In The Hills Air Show You will receive 2 free passes to the Air Show for you and a companion, and be shuttled from the Air Show parking lot at Crystal Lake South High School (CLSHS) to the airport.  (There is no parking at the airport directly.)  Auditions start at 11:30am, but you will need to check in at CLSHS parking lot by 10:45am.  You will receive more information after signing up. Preliminary RoundLake In The Hills Air Show - LITH AirportSaturday, June 23, 11:30amSemi-FinalsRockin' Rotary Rib FestSunset Park, 5200 Miller Road, Lake In The Hills, ILSunday, July 8, 12:30pm-2:30pmFinals Summer Sunset FestivalSunset Park, 5200 Miller Road, Lake In The Hills, ILSunday, September 2, ...
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By Vicki Watzlawick, Illinois Foreclosure Expert, The Watz Team
(CORE Realty (The Watz Team) )
Lake in the Hills Press Releases New,  news as of May, 2007.Stoneybrook Park Playground Replacement  (Get your bid applications for Playground replacement here)Woodscreek Water Quality Retrofit Project  (Woodscreek Water Updated report)Welcome New Businesses!   (Lake In The Hills is growing, please take a peek at the new businesses)Upcoming Parks & Recreation Activities   (local activities)Achievement Award - Nominate a business  (come on don't be for someone)2006 Water Quality Report  (Whats in your water?) Check in here periodically for more Press releases! Posted by Vicki Watzlawick, Broker Owner, Exit Platinum Realty, 847-854-3800 
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By Vicki Watzlawick, Illinois Foreclosure Expert, The Watz Team
(CORE Realty (The Watz Team) )
              Lake In The Hills   Splish, Splash and 5K DashNEW DATE - SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 2007Hey kids, let's get involved and have some fun!  Sprint races start at 7:00am and 1 & 2 Mile Runs start at 7:30am.  For more information see below to register   Posted by Vick Watzalwick, Broker Owner, Exit Platinum Realty,  847-854-3800 
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By Vicki Watzlawick, Illinois Foreclosure Expert, The Watz Team
(CORE Realty (The Watz Team) )
Lake In The Hills Illinois map click here!Lake In The Hills Information Looking for llinoisReal Estate  or Illlinois homes for sale...consider Healthy Living...Lake In The Hills:  As the name implies, Lake in the Hills has four lakes.  WoodsCreek Lake is the largest with two swimming areas - Indian Trail Beach and Butch Haggle Beach, GooseLake, Willow Lake and Lake Scott are all shallow lakes. Goose Lake is utilized mainly for fishing while Willow Lake and Lake Scott are wildlife ponds. Lake In the Hills is home to a small airport as well as many small businesses.  Population is just over 30,000. Chicago Magazine ranks Lake in the Hills in the top five Healthiest Places to Live.  In the October 2005 issue, 191 suburban Chicago communities were given scores on  15 qualities relating to h...
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By Vicki Watzlawick, Illinois Foreclosure Expert, The Watz Team
(CORE Realty (The Watz Team) )
                                                        Lake In The Hills , Illinois Information Looking for llinoisReal Estate  or Illlinois homes for sale...consider Healthy Living...Lake In The Hills:  As the name implies, Lake in the Hills has four lakes.  WoodsCreek Lake is the largest with two swimming areas - Indian Trail Beach and Butch Haggle Beach, GooseLake, Willow Lake and Lake Scott are all shallow lakes. Goose Lake is utilized mainly for fishing while Willow Lake and Lake Scott are wildlife ponds. Lake In the Hills is home to a small airport as well as many small businesses.  Population is just over 30,000. Chicago Magazine ranks Lake in the Hills in the top five Healthiest Places to Live.  In the October 2005 issue, 191 suburban Chicago communities were given scores on  1...
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By Exit Platinum Realty
With the warm weather finally starting to appear its time for yard work and spring cleaning, check with your local waste haulers to make sure that you meet the requirements for refuse disposal. It will save you extra work along the way and help the enviroment. Is it time to find a bigger home? Are you looking for the first time? Let me help you through the process. Give me a call or go to my website. I am a local area Real Estate Agent waiting to / 847-354-9431
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