
Effingham, IL Real Estate News

By Lois Hoene
(Effingham Realty, Inc.)
I'm from Effingham, IL the crossroads of opportunity.  Interstates 57 and 70 come together at Effingham and the number of residents increases and decreases everyday.   The community has about 13,000 residents with a reach of about 30 miles in all directions of residents who frequent our city.  It's a quiet community where you can walk down the sidewalk at any time of the day.The housing market leveled off in 2006 with a growth rate of about 2.5% which is not bad considering it's been anywhere from 3% to 5%.  The area is a large service industry due to the two interstates going through our city.  The growth has been tremendous in the last 5 years.  A new theater is currently being built to bring national talent shows to the area.  It will seat around 2700 people and already has bookings ...
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