Everyone could learn a little from USAA Insurance for Verterans
By Mark Don McInnes, Sandpoint-Idaho, North Idaho Real Estate - 208-255.6227
(Sandpoint Realty LLC)
Everyone could learn a little from USAA insurance for Veterans. I am sure we have all experienced it. The big companies only worried about how much money they can squeeze out of you while smiling and saying how much they appreciate your business. Calling to cancel a Satellite service, or web site, or phone service because the costs are just too exorbitant. Only to have a representative tell you how happy they are that you qualify for a good size discount because they appreciate you as customer. Where was that discount before I decided to quit the service? Or being late on a payment and then having to not only pay a late fee but a hook up charge, reconnect fee, re install fee. What about the fact I have faithfully paid you 10 years now? We all can learn a lesson from USAA Insuran...