North Port Florida Short Sale Program - North Port Florida Short Sale Agent
By John Michailidis, Real Property Management of Sarasota & M
(Real Property Management of Sarasota & Manatee)
CLICK to Request Our FREE 48-page Short Sale eBook North Port Florida Short Sale Program - North Port Florida Short Sale Agent When it comes to mortgage lenders, homeowners must realize that they are NOT there to "help" -- their aim is to line their own pockets with as much of your money as possible. Be very, very clear that the banker is NOT your friend - they are your adversary in the fight to Stop Foreclosure and Avoid Deficiency Judgments. When Short Selling your property it is important that you only hire a pro who completely understands the process and has had much success getting Short Sales Approved. Choosing the wrong agent can help seal your fate, and virtually ensure that you will be Foreclosed upon and crushed financially by your lender. A Short Sale Is Unquestionably You...