203k properties - Clearlake Oaks, CA
By Mike Young, FHA 203k Consultant 916-758-1809 cell direct
(203kOnLine.com, covering the USA)
Well we have done some interesting properties this year already. 3 modular homes which are a little unique in that we had to use the existing foundation and remove the original modular home that was on those foundations on two of them but the third was an older, small stick built home on a permanent foundation where it was coming off and a larger modular home, was being put in it's place. The wonderful thing about modular homes these days is that the costs are so well controlled since they are built in a factory that the home owner reaps the benefit of a better built home at a much reduced cost over a stick built home.Saw a 203k in Clearlake Oaks, CA yesterday. As we were driving in and out we noticed quite a few very small homes along the way. They appeared to be 400-500 SF. Everyone k...